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 Translation for 'A♭' from English to Latin
bomba {f} atomica [rec.]A-bomb
3 Words: Others
duoa couple of
pedalis {adj}a foot long
pedalis {adj}a foot thick
pedaneus {adj}a foot thick
centies {adv}a hundred times
centiens {adv}a hundred times
ebriolus {adj}a little intoxicated
improbulus {adj}a trifle impudent
verutus {adj}bearing a javelin
sceptrifer {adj}bearing a scepter
miliarius {adj}comprising a thousand
infitialis {adj}containing a denial
miliarius {adj}containing a thousand
ansatus {adj}having a handle
herniosus {adj}having a rupture
in nuce {adv}in a nutshell
annuus {adj}lasting a year
crocodilinus {adj}like a crocodile
unverified cruciformis {adj}like a cross
cantherinus {adj}like a horse
funginus {adj}like a mushroom
proeliaris {adj}
of a battle
zonarius {adj}of a belt
fraternus {adj}of a brother
unverified consularis {adj}of a consul
vaccinus {adj}of a cow
unverified divinus {adj}of a deity
legatorius {adj}of a deputy
paternus {adj}of a father
pedalis {adj}of a foot
funginus {adj}of a fungus
hortualis {adj}of a garden
hortulanus {adj}of a garden
zonarius {adj}of a girdle
unverified divinus {adj}of a god
tutorius {adj}of a guardian
cantherinus {adj}of a horse
hypocaustus {adj}of a hypocaustum
haedinus {adj}
of a kid
fraternus {adj}of a kinsman
nuptialis {adj}of a marriage
maternus {adj}of a mother
funginus {adj}of a mushroom
fraternus {adj}of a relative
unverified stlatarius {adj}of a ship
novercalis {adj}of a stepmother
arboreus {adj}of a tree
triumphalis {adj}of a triumph
paganus {adj}of a village
nuptialis {adj}of a wedding
maritatus {adj}of a wife
annuus {adj}of a year
unverified cruciformis {adj}resembling a cross
paenulatus {adj}wearing a paenula
indotatus {adj}without a dowry
3 Words: Verbs
algescere [3]
to catch a cold
unverified contrahere [3]to conclude a bargain
algescere [3]
to contract a cold
campsare [1]to double (a cape)
debellare [1]to finish a war
algescere [3]
to get a cold
inclamare [1]to give a cry
maritare [1]to give a husband
inclamare [1]to make a call
unverified contrahere [3]to make a contract
aberrare [1]to make a mistake
subsistere [3]to make a stand
poscere [3]to offer a price
subsistere [3]to take a stand
abdicare [1]
to withhold a right
3 Words: Nouns
decessio {f}a going away
pilaris {noun}of a ball
4 Words: Others
pedalis {adj}a foot in breadth
pedaneus {adj}a foot in breadth
pedalis {adj}a foot in diameter
pedalis {adj}a foot in length
pedaneus {adj}a foot in length
pedalis {adj}a foot in thickness
semipedalis {adj}a halffoot in size
semipedaneus {adj}a halffoot in size
verutus {adj}armed with a dart
verutus {adj}armed with a javelin
tigrinus {adj}barred like a tiger
proeliaris {adj}
belonging to a battle
zonarius {adj}belonging to a belt
unverified divinus {adj}belonging to a deity
legatorius {adj}belonging to a deputy
paternus {adj}belonging to a father
hortualis {adj}belonging to a garden
hortulanus {adj}belonging to a garden
zonarius {adj}belonging to a girdle
tutorius {adj}belonging to a guardian
cantherinus {adj}belonging to a horse
hypocaustus {adj}belonging to a hypocaustum
fraternus {adj}belonging to a relative
unverified stlatarius {adj}belonging to a ship
novercalis {adj}belonging to a stepmother
triumphalis {adj}belonging to a triumph
paganus {adj}belonging to a village
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Translation for 'A♭' from English to Latin

bomba {f} atomica [rec.]

a couple of
a foot long
pedalis {adj}
a foot thick
pedalis {adj}

pedaneus {adj}
a hundred times
centies {adv}

centiens {adv}
a little intoxicated
ebriolus {adj}
a trifle impudent
improbulus {adj}
bearing a javelin
verutus {adj}
bearing a scepter
sceptrifer {adj}
comprising a thousand
miliarius {adj}
containing a denial
infitialis {adj}
containing a thousand
miliarius {adj}
having a handle
ansatus {adj}
having a rupture
herniosus {adj}
in a nutshell
in nuce {adv}
lasting a year
annuus {adj}
like a crocodile
crocodilinus {adj}
like a cross
unverified cruciformis {adj}
like a horse
cantherinus {adj}
like a mushroom
funginus {adj}
of a battle
proeliaris {adj}mil.
of a belt
zonarius {adj}
of a brother
fraternus {adj}
of a consul
unverified consularis {adj}
of a cow
vaccinus {adj}
of a deity
unverified divinus {adj}
of a deputy
legatorius {adj}
of a father
paternus {adj}
of a foot
pedalis {adj}
of a fungus
funginus {adj}
of a garden
hortualis {adj}

hortulanus {adj}
of a girdle
zonarius {adj}
of a god
unverified divinus {adj}
of a guardian
tutorius {adj}
of a horse
cantherinus {adj}
of a hypocaustum
hypocaustus {adj}
of a kid
haedinus {adj}anim.
of a kinsman
fraternus {adj}
of a marriage
nuptialis {adj}
of a mother
maternus {adj}
of a mushroom
funginus {adj}
of a relative
fraternus {adj}
of a ship
unverified stlatarius {adj}
of a stepmother
novercalis {adj}
of a tree
arboreus {adj}
of a triumph
triumphalis {adj}
of a village
paganus {adj}
of a wedding
nuptialis {adj}
of a wife
maritatus {adj}
of a year
annuus {adj}
resembling a cross
unverified cruciformis {adj}
wearing a paenula
paenulatus {adj}
without a dowry
indotatus {adj}

to catch a cold
algescere [3]med.
to conclude a bargain
unverified contrahere [3]
to contract a cold
algescere [3]med.
to double (a cape)
campsare [1]
to finish a war
debellare [1]
to get a cold
algescere [3]med.
to give a cry
inclamare [1]
to give a husband
maritare [1]
to make a call
inclamare [1]
to make a contract
unverified contrahere [3]
to make a mistake
aberrare [1]
to make a stand
subsistere [3]
to offer a price
poscere [3]
to take a stand
subsistere [3]
to withhold a right
abdicare [1]ius

a going away
decessio {f}
of a ball
pilaris {noun}

a foot in breadth
pedalis {adj}

pedaneus {adj}
a foot in diameter
pedalis {adj}
a foot in length
pedalis {adj}

pedaneus {adj}
a foot in thickness
pedalis {adj}
a halffoot in size
semipedalis {adj}

semipedaneus {adj}
armed with a dart
verutus {adj}
armed with a javelin
verutus {adj}
barred like a tiger
tigrinus {adj}
belonging to a battle
proeliaris {adj}mil.
belonging to a belt
zonarius {adj}
belonging to a deity
unverified divinus {adj}
belonging to a deputy
legatorius {adj}
belonging to a father
paternus {adj}
belonging to a garden
hortualis {adj}

hortulanus {adj}
belonging to a girdle
zonarius {adj}
belonging to a guardian
tutorius {adj}
belonging to a horse
cantherinus {adj}
belonging to a hypocaustum
hypocaustus {adj}
belonging to a relative
fraternus {adj}
belonging to a ship
unverified stlatarius {adj}
belonging to a stepmother
novercalis {adj}
belonging to a triumph
triumphalis {adj}
belonging to a village
paganus {adj}
  • a = Ah!
  • a dextra = right
  • a dextra = from the right
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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