 Translation for 'sth.' from English to Portuguese
alguma {pron}something <sth.>
algo {pron}something <sth.>
algum {pron}something <sth.>
qualquer coisa {pron}something <sth.>
unverified alguém/algo se acostumousb./sth. accustomed
alguém/algo veiosb./sth. came
alguém/algo desapareceusb./sth. disappeared
alguém/algo tevesb./sth. had
alguém/algo tinhasb./sth. had
alguém/algo ésb./sth. is
alguém/algo ficasb./sth. remains
alguém/algo permanecesb./sth. remains
alguém/algo sobra [fica]sb./sth. remains
alguém/algo parecesb./sth. seems
alguém/algo erasb./sth. was
alguém/algo foisb./sth. was
algo cessasth. ceases
algo terminasth. ceases
algo se acabasth. ceases
algo significasth. means
algo quer dizersth. means
cobrir algo
to serve sth. [to mate]
unverified ativar algo [Bras.]to activate sth.
unverified activar algo [Port.]to activate sth.
tematizar algoto adress sth. [topic]
unverified arejarto air sth. [clothes, room etc.]
abordar algoto approach sth.
aproximar-se de algoto approach sth. [tackle]
unverified romper algoto breach sth.
apanhar algoto catch sth.
unverified elogiar a alguém/algoto commend sb./sth.
unverified recomendar a alguém/algoto commend sb./sth.
corroborar algoto confirm sth. [corroborate sth.]
considerar algoto consider sth. [take into account]
levar algo em contato consider sth. [take into account]
contextualizar algoto contextualise sth. [Br.]
contextualizar algoto contextualize sth.
unverified esmagar algoto crunch sth.
unverified trincar algoto crunch sth.
unverified mastigar algoto crunch sth.
ousar algoto dare sth.
unverified desativar algo [Bras.]to deactivate sth.
unverified desactivar algo [Port.]to deactivate sth.
destruir algoto destroy sth.
desprender [Bras.] algoto detach sth.
mostrar algoto display sth. [show, signal]
guiar alguém/algo
to drive sb./sth.
tocar alguém/algo
to drive sb./sth.
unverified elevar algoto elevate sth.
emitir algoto emit sth. [light, radiation etc.]
encontrar com alguém/algoto encounter sb./sth.
unverified tolerar alguém/algoto endure sb./sth.
unverified sofrer algoto endure sth.
unverified suportar algoto endure sth.
unverified agüentar algoto endure sth.
erodir algo
to erode sth. [by water]
unverified prever algoto forecast sth.
unverified predizer algoto forecast sth.
unverified pressagiar algoto forecast sth.
unverified perspectivar algoto forecast sth.
unverified prognosticar algoto forecast sth.
mobilhar algo [uma sala, etc.]to furnish sth. [a room, etc.]
imaginar algoto imagine sth.
unverified imbuir algoto imbibe sth.
unverified embeber algoto imbibe sth.
unverified absorver algoto imbibe sth.
entrelaçar algoto interweave sth.
lançar algo [um produto, um filme etc.]to launch sth. [a product, film etc.]
unverified carregar algoto load sth.
unverified municiar algoto load sth. [weapon]
precisar de algoto need sth.
unverified editar algoto publish sth.
unverified emitir algoto publish sth.
unverified publicar algoto publish sth.
reconhecer alguém/algoto recognise sb./sth. [Br.]
pedir algoto request sth.
solicitar algoto request sth.
falar algoto say sth.
unverified buscar alguém/algoto search sb./sth.
unverified pesquisar alguém/algoto search sb./sth.
unverified tomar algoto seize sth.
unverified prender algoto seize sth.
unverified apropriar-se algoto seize sth.
dar forma a algoto shape sth.
modelar algo [dar forma]to shape sth.
unverified sinal alguém/algoto signal sb./sth.
poupar alguém/algo [de punição]to spare sb./sth. [from harm, punishment etc.]
dispensar algoto spare sth.
passar sem algoto spare sth.
arruinar algoto spoil sth.
estragar algoto spoil sth.
destruir algoto spoil sth.
enfatizar algoto stress sth.
testar algoto test sth.
provar algoto test sth.
tematizar algoto thematize sth.
cobrir algo
to tup sth. [esp. Br.] [ram: copulate with a ewe]
querer algoto want sth.
garantir algoto warrant sth.
produzir algo
to yield sth. [produce]
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Translation for 'sth.' from English to Portuguese

something <sth.>
alguma {pron}

algo {pron}

algum {pron}

qualquer coisa {pron}

sb./sth. accustomed
unverified alguém/algo se acostumou
sb./sth. came
alguém/algo veio
sb./sth. disappeared
alguém/algo desapareceu
sb./sth. had
alguém/algo teve

alguém/algo tinha
sb./sth. is
alguém/algo é
sb./sth. remains
alguém/algo fica

alguém/algo permanece

alguém/algo sobra [fica]
sb./sth. seems
alguém/algo parece
sb./sth. was
alguém/algo era

alguém/algo foi
sth. ceases
algo cessa

algo termina

algo se acaba
sth. means
algo significa

algo quer dizer

to serve sth. [to mate]
cobrir algoagr.VetMed.zool.
to activate sth.
unverified ativar algo [Bras.]

unverified activar algo [Port.]
to adress sth. [topic]
tematizar algo
to air sth. [clothes, room etc.]
unverified arejar
to approach sth.
abordar algo
to approach sth. [tackle]
aproximar-se de algo
to breach sth.
unverified romper algo
to catch sth.
apanhar algo
to commend sb./sth.
unverified elogiar a alguém/algo

unverified recomendar a alguém/algo
to confirm sth. [corroborate sth.]
corroborar algo
to consider sth. [take into account]
considerar algo

levar algo em conta
to contextualise sth. [Br.]
contextualizar algo
to contextualize sth.
contextualizar algo
to crunch sth.
unverified esmagar algo

unverified trincar algo

unverified mastigar algo
to dare sth.
ousar algo
to deactivate sth.
unverified desativar algo [Bras.]

unverified desactivar algo [Port.]
to destroy sth.
destruir algo
to detach sth.
desprender [Bras.] algo
to display sth. [show, signal]
mostrar algo
to drive sb./sth.
unverified guiar alguém/algoinform.

unverified tocar alguém/algoinform.
to elevate sth.
unverified elevar algo
to emit sth. [light, radiation etc.]
emitir algo
to encounter sb./sth.
encontrar com alguém/algo
to endure sb./sth.
unverified tolerar alguém/algo
to endure sth.
unverified sofrer algo

unverified suportar algo

unverified agüentar algo
to erode sth. [by water]
erodir algogeol.
to forecast sth.
unverified prever algo

unverified predizer algo

unverified pressagiar algo

unverified perspectivar algo

unverified prognosticar algo
to furnish sth. [a room, etc.]
mobilhar algo [uma sala, etc.]
to imagine sth.
imaginar algo
to imbibe sth.
unverified imbuir algo

unverified embeber algo

unverified absorver algo
to interweave sth.
entrelaçar algo
to launch sth. [a product, film etc.]
lançar algo [um produto, um filme etc.]
to load sth.
unverified carregar algo
to load sth. [weapon]
unverified municiar algo
to need sth.
precisar de algo
to publish sth.
unverified editar algo

unverified emitir algo

unverified publicar algo
to recognise sb./sth. [Br.]
reconhecer alguém/algo
to request sth.
pedir algo

solicitar algo
to say sth.
falar algo
to search sb./sth.
unverified buscar alguém/algo

unverified pesquisar alguém/algo
to seize sth.
unverified tomar algo

unverified prender algo

unverified apropriar-se algo
to shape sth.
dar forma a algo

modelar algo [dar forma]
to signal sb./sth.
unverified sinal alguém/algo
to spare sb./sth. [from harm, punishment etc.]
poupar alguém/algo [de punição]
to spare sth.
dispensar algo

passar sem algo
to spoil sth.
arruinar algo

estragar algo

destruir algo
to stress sth.
enfatizar algo
to test sth.
testar algo

provar algo
to thematize sth.
tematizar algo
to tup sth. [esp. Br.] [ram: copulate with a ewe]
cobrir algoagr.VetMed.zool.
to want sth.
querer algo
to warrant sth.
garantir algo
to yield sth. [produce]
produzir algoagr.
© Portuguese-English dictionary 2024
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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