ling. h {m} aspiré | aspirated h |
habile | adroit |
habile | artful [skilful, clever] |
habile | skilful [Br.] [adroit] |
habile | skillful [Am.] |
habile [adroit] | dexterous |
habile [adroit] | dextrous |
habile [personne] | shrewd [person] |
habile à faire qc. | skilful at doing sth. [Br.] |
habile à faire qc. | skillful at doing sth. [Am.] |
habile de ses doigts | nimble-fingered |
habile en qc. | skilful at sth. [Br.] |
habile en qc. | skillful at sth. [Am.] |
habilement | adeptly |
habilement | adroitly |
habilement | artfully [with style / skill] |
habilement | deftly |
habilement | dexterously |
habilement | handily |
habilement | neatly |
habilement | skilfully [Br.] |
habilement | skillfully [Am.] |
habileté {f} | ability |
habileté {f} | aptitude |
habileté {f} | aptness |
habileté {f} | dexterity |
habileté {f} | skilfulness [Br.] |
habileté {f} | skill |
habileté {f} | skillfulness [Am.] |
anat. habileté {f} des doigts | dexterity |
anat. habileté {f} des doigts | prestidigitation |
anat. habileté {f} des doigts | sleight of hand |
habilitation {f} | authorisation [Br.] |
habilitation {f} | authority |
habilitation {f} | authorization |
habilitation {f} | delegated power |
habilitation {f} | fiat |
habilitation {f} | power of authority |
habilité | empowered |
habiliter qn. à faire qc. | to authorise sb. to do sth. [Br.] |
habiliter qn. à faire qc. | to authorize sb. to do sth. |
habiliter qn. à faire qc. | to empower sb. to do sth. [authorize] |
tech. habillage {m} [d'appareil, de radiateur, tuyauterie] | casing | habillage {m} [de siège, mur] | covering |
vêt. habillage {m} [fait d'habiller] | dressing [activity] |
tech. habillage {m} [présentation] | packaging |
comm. habillage {m} de bilan [aussi fig.] | window dressing [also fig.] |
tech. habillage {m} transparent | blister pack |
vêt. habillé de façon miteuse | shabby [person] |
vêt. habillement {m} | clothing |
vêt. habillement {m} [tenue] | apparel |
météo.vêt. habillement {m} d'hiver | winter clothes {pl} |
météo.vêt. habillement {m} d'hiver | winter clothing |
vêt. habiller qn. | to dress sb. (up) |
vêt. habiller qn. bien | to sit well on sb. [suit] |
occup.théâtre habilleur {m} | dresser [helps performer with costume] |
occup.théâtre habilleuse {f} | dresser [female] [helps performer with costume] |
vêt. habit {m} | garment |
vêt. habit {m} [vêtement de cérémonie] | frock coat |
habit {m} d'apparat | ceremonial regalia |
vêt. habit {m} d'homme | masculine clothing |
vêt. habit {m} de soirée [vêtement de cérémonie] | evening dress |
habitable | habitable |
naut. habitacle {m} | binnacle |
aviat. habitacle {m} | cockpit |
autotransp. habitacle {m} de voiture | passenger compartment |
habitant {m} | denizen [formal or hum.] |
habitant {m} [de maison, d'immeuble] | occupant |
habitant {m} [de quartier, d'immeuble] | resident |
habitant {m} [de ville, pays, région] | inhabitant |
archéo.hist. habitant {m} d'une cité lacustre | lake-dweller |
géogr.sociol. habitant {m} du littoral | coast dweller |
géogr.sociol. habitant {m} du littoral | coastal inhabitant |
habitante {f} [d'immeuble] | occupant [female] |
habitante {f} [de pays, ville] | inhabitant [female] |
habitante {f} [de quartier, d'immeuble] | resident [female] |
archéo.hist. habitante {f} d'une cité lacustre | lake-dweller [female] |
géogr.sociol. habitante {f} du littoral | coast dweller [female] |
géogr.sociol. habitante {f} du littoral | coastal inhabitant [female] |
habitat {m} [environnement de vie] | habitation [act of inhabiting] |
habitat {m} [milieu] | habitat |
immo. habitat {m} [mode de logement] | housing |
sociol. habitat {m} [mode de peuplement] | settlement |
immo.sociol. habitat {m} à faible densité | low density housing |
immo.sociol. habitat {m} à forte densité | high density housing |
immo.sociol. habitat {m} collectif | communal housing |
immo.sociol. habitat {m} individuel | individual housing |
bot.orn.zool. habitat {m} naturel | native habitat |
bot.orn.zool. habitat {m} naturel | natural environment |
bot.orn.zool. habitat {m} naturel | natural habitat |
arch. habitat {m} passif | passive house |
sociol.urban habitat {m} urbain | urban settlement |
habitation {f} | habitation [place of residence] |
immo. habitation {f} à loyer modéré <HLM> | subsidised dwelling [Br.] |
sociol. habitation {f} de fortune | (emergency) survival shelter |
sociol. habitation {f} de fortune | emergency accommodation |
sociol. habitation {f} de fortune | emergency shelter |
sociol. habitation {f} de fortune | makeshift accommodation |
sociol. habitation {f} de fortune | makeshift shelter |
archéo.hist. habitation {f} lacustre | lake dwelling |