Page 1 of 11 for the letter Q in the French-English dictionary
{m} de Tobin
Tobin's q (ratio) [also: Q]écon.
Qatar {m}
Qatar <.qa>géogr.
qc. a pu
sth. has grazed [cattle, sheep etc.]agr.
qc. avait pu
sth. had grazed [cattle, sheep etc.]agr.zool.
qc. en pagaille [fam.] [à profusion]
loads of sth. [coll.]
qc. est évident.
sth. is obvious.
qc. lui seyait
sth. suited him / her
qc. lui sied
sth. suits him / her
qc. ne ferait pas de tort
sth. wouldn't do any harm
qc. paissait
sth. grazed [cattle, sheep etc.]agr.zool.
qc. paît
sth. grazes [cattle, sheep etc.]agr.zool.
qc. qui colle
sth. sticky
qc. s'écrit soudé
sth. is written as one wordling.
qc. se sent
sth. can be felt
qc. va de mieux en mieux
sth. is going increasingly better
QCM {m} [questionnaire à choix multiples]
multiple choice testéduc.
qi {m}
QI {m} [quotient intellectuel]
qn. a / avait pu
sb. has / had been able to
qn. a dû faire qc.
sb. (has) had to do sth. [on a single occasion]
sb. must have done sth.
qn. a hâte que qn./qc. fasse qc.
sb. can't wait for sb./sth. to do sth.
qn. a l'impression d'avoir la tête dans un bocal [loc.]
sb. feels really cooped in [idiom]
sb. feels really cooped up [idiom]
qn. a l'impression d'avoir la tête dans un bocal. [loc.]
sb. has cabin fever. [idiom]
qn. a la nausée
sb. feels illméd.
sb. feels sickméd.
qn. a le nez qui coule
sb. has a runny nose
qn. a pu
sb. was able to
qn. attendait
sb. expected
qn. aura dû faire qc.
sb. will have had to do sth.
qn. aurait dû faire qc.
sb. ought to have done sth.
sb. should have done sth.
sb. would have had to do sth. [regularly or on a single occasion]
qn. avait dû faire qc.
sb. had had to do sth.
qn. décide
sb. decides
qn. devait faire qc.
sb. had to do sth. [regularly, recurringly]
sb. used to have to do sth.
qn. devra faire qc.
sb. will have to do sth.
qn. devrait
sb. ought to
qn. devrait faire qc.
sb. would have to do sth.
qn. doit
sb. must
qn. dut faire qc. [littéraire]
sb. had to do sth. [on a single occasion]
qn. enverrait
sb. would send
qn. essaie
sb. tries
qn. essaye
sb. tries
qn. est à plaindre
sb. is to be pitied
qn. est blessé
sb. is hurt
qn. ferait mieux de faire qc. [loc.]
sb. had better do sth. [idiom]
qn. fit qc.
sb. did sth.
qn. fournit
sb. provides
qn. naît
sb. is born
qn. naquit
sb. was born
qn. ne sait plus où se mettre [loc.] [éprouve un fort sentiment de honte]
sb. wished the ground would open and swallow them up. [idiom]
qn. permettait
sb. allowed
qn. peut
sb. can
qn. pourra
sb. will be able
qn. pourrait
sb. could [would be able to]
sb. might
qn. pouvait
sb. could [used to be able to, was able to]
qn. s'est lamenté
sb. complained
qn. s'est lamenté sur qc.
sb. complained about sth.
qn. se lamenta [littéraire]
sb. complained
qn. se sent mal
sb. feels queasyméd.
qn. sera
sb. will be
qn. servait
sb. served
qn. souffre
sb. suffers
qn. tente
sb. tries [attempts]
qn. va de mieux en mieux
sb. feels increasingly betterméd.
qn. venait de faire qc.
sb. had just done sth.
qn. vient de faire qc.
sb. has just done sth.
qn./qc. a / avait été
sb./sth. has / had been
qn./qc. a du plomb dans l'aile [loc.]
sb./sth. has been struggling
qn./qc. a soif
sb./sth. is thirsty
qn./qc. avait
sb./sth. had
qn./qc. est
sb./sth. is
qn./qc. est mal barré [fam.]
It's not looking good for sb./sth.
Things­ look rather bleak for sb./sth.
qn./qc. était
sb./sth. was
qn./qc. fut
sb./sth. was
qn./qc. venait
sb./sth. came
qn./qc. vient
sb./sth. is coming
qn./qc. vint
sb./sth. came
Qu'a-t-il fait ?
What did he do?
What has he done?
as before
Qu'avons-nous fait pour mériter cela ?
What did we do to deserve this?
Qu'en est-il ? [loc.]
How do things­ stand? [idiom]
What's the score? [coll.] [idiom] [What's the situation?]
What's the situation? [idiom]
Qu'en est-il de cela ?
How about that?
Qu'en penses-tu ? [fam.]
What do you think of it ?
What do you think?
Qu'en pensez-vous ?
What do you think about it?
What is your opinion?
Qu'en résultera-t-il ?
What will be the result of this?
Qu'entends-tu par là ?
Qhat do you mean by that?
Qu'est ce qui ne va pas chez moi ?
What is wrong with me?
Qu'est-ce ? [soutenu]
What is it?
Qu'est-ce cela veut dire ?
What's that supposed to mean?
{m} de Tobin
Tobin's q (ratio) [also: Q]
Qatar {m}
Qatar <.qa>
qc. a pu
sth. has grazed [cattle, sheep etc.]
qc. avait pu
sth. had grazed [cattle, sheep etc.]
qc. en pagaille [fam.] [à profusion]loads of sth. [coll.]
qc. est évident.sth. is obvious.
qc. lui seyaitsth. suited him / her
qc. lui siedsth. suits him / her
qc. ne ferait pas de tortsth. wouldn't do any harm
qc. paissait
sth. grazed [cattle, sheep etc.]
qc. paît
sth. grazes [cattle, sheep etc.]
qc. qui collesth. sticky
qc. s'écrit soudé
sth. is written as one word
qc. se sentsth. can be felt
qc. va de mieux en mieuxsth. is going increasingly better
QCM {m} [questionnaire à choix multiples]
multiple choice test
qi {m}qi
QI {m} [quotient intellectuel]IQ
qn. a / avait pusb. has / had been able to
qn. a dû faire (has) had to do sth. [on a single occasion]
qn. a dû faire must have done sth.
qn. a hâte que qn./qc. fasse can't wait for sb./sth. to do sth.
qn. a l'impression d'avoir la tête dans un bocal [loc.]sb. feels really cooped in [idiom]
qn. a l'impression d'avoir la tête dans un bocal [loc.]sb. feels really cooped up [idiom]
qn. a l'impression d'avoir la tête dans un bocal. [loc.]sb. has cabin fever. [idiom]
qn. a la nausée
sb. feels ill
qn. a la nausée
sb. feels sick
qn. a le nez qui coulesb. has a runny nose
qn. a pusb. was able to
qn. attendaitsb. expected
qn. aura dû faire will have had to do sth.
qn. aurait dû faire ought to have done sth.
qn. aurait dû faire should have done sth.
qn. aurait dû faire would have had to do sth. [regularly or on a single occasion]
qn. avait dû faire had had to do sth.
qn. décidesb. decides
qn. devait faire had to do sth. [regularly, recurringly]
qn. devait faire used to have to do sth.
qn. devra faire will have to do sth.
qn. devraitsb. ought to
qn. devrait faire would have to do sth.
qn. doitsb. must
qn. dut faire qc. [littéraire]sb. had to do sth. [on a single occasion]
qn. enverraitsb. would send
qn. essaiesb. tries
qn. essayesb. tries
qn. est à plaindresb. is to be pitied
qn. est blessésb. is hurt
qn. ferait mieux de faire qc. [loc.]sb. had better do sth. [idiom]
qn. fit did sth.
qn. fournitsb. provides
qn. naîtsb. is born
qn. naquitsb. was born
qn. ne sait plus où se mettre [loc.] [éprouve un fort sentiment de honte]sb. wished the ground would open and swallow them up. [idiom]
qn. permettaitsb. allowed
qn. peutsb. can
qn. pourrasb. will be able
qn. pourraitsb. could [would be able to]
qn. pourraitsb. might
qn. pouvaitsb. could [used to be able to, was able to]
qn. s'est lamentésb. complained
qn. s'est lamenté sur complained about sth.
qn. se lamenta [littéraire]sb. complained
qn. se sent mal
sb. feels queasy
qn. serasb. will be
qn. servaitsb. served
qn. souffresb. suffers
qn. tentesb. tries [attempts]
qn. va de mieux en mieux
sb. feels increasingly better
qn. venait de faire had just done sth.
qn. vient de faire has just done sth.
qn./qc. a / avait étésb./sth. has / had been
qn./qc. a du plomb dans l'aile [loc.]sb./sth. has been struggling
qn./qc. a soifsb./sth. is thirsty
qn./qc. avaitsb./sth. had
qn./qc. estsb./sth. is
qn./qc. est mal barré [fam.]It's not looking good for sb./sth.
qn./qc. est mal barré [fam.]Things­ look rather bleak for sb./sth.
qn./qc. étaitsb./sth. was
qn./qc. futsb./sth. was
qn./qc. venaitsb./sth. came
qn./qc. vientsb./sth. is coming
qn./qc. vintsb./sth. came
Qu'a-t-il fait ?What did he do?
Qu'a-t-il fait ?What has he done?
qu'avantas before
Qu'avons-nous fait pour mériter cela ?What did we do to deserve this?
Qu'en est-il ? [loc.]How do things­ stand? [idiom]
Qu'en est-il ? [loc.]What's the score? [coll.] [idiom] [What's the situation?]
Qu'en est-il ? [loc.]What's the situation? [idiom]
Qu'en est-il de cela ?How about that?
Qu'en penses-tu ? [fam.]What do you think of it ?
Qu'en penses-tu ? [fam.]What do you think?
Qu'en pensez-vous ?What do you think about it?
Qu'en pensez-vous ?What is your opinion?
Qu'en résultera-t-il ?What will be the result of this?
Qu'entends-tu par là ?Qhat do you mean by that?
Qu'est ce qui ne va pas chez moi ?What is wrong with me?
Qu'est-ce ? [soutenu]What is it?
Qu'est-ce cela veut dire ?What's that supposed to mean?
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