écol. zadiste {f} | militant environmental activist in a ZAD [female] |
écol. zadiste {m} | militant environmental activist in a ZAD |
géogr.pol. Zagreb {f} [capitale de la Croatie] | Zagreb |
zain (chien, cheval) | [without any white marks] |
géogr.hist. Zama {f} (Regia) [ville antique d'origine numide, située en Tunisie actuelle] | Zama [also: Xama] |
géogr. Zambèze {m} | Zambezi |
géogr. Zambie {f} | Zambia <.zm> |
sporttech. Zamboni {f} [patinoire] | Zamboni [ice resurfacer] |
géogr. Zante {f} [île grecque] [aussi : Zacynthe ou Zakynthos] | Zakynthos [also: Zakinthos] |
géogr. Zanzibar {m} [aussi : république populaire de Zanzibar] | Zanzibar |
géogr. Zaporijjia {f} [ville d'Ukraine] [aussi : Zaporojié] | Zaporizhzhia |
RadioTV zapper [fam.] | to channel hop [coll.] [flick through the channels with a remote control] |
RadioTV zappeur {m} | zapper [Am.] [coll.] [male who habitually changes channels] |
méd. zappeur {m} | zapper [electromedical device] |
relig. Zarathoustra {m} | Zoroaster |
zarb [fam.] | damned funny [coll.] |
zarbi [fam.] | bizarre |
filmF Zardoz | Zardoz [John Boorman (1974)] |
zébré [rayé] | striped |
zool.T zèbre {m} | zebra |
zool.T zèbre {m} de Böhm [Equus quagga boehmi] | Grant's zebra |
zool.T zèbre {m} de Chapman [Equus quagga chapmani] | Chapman's zebra |
zool.T zèbre {m} de Crawshay [Equus quagga crawshayi] | Crawshay's zebra |
zool.T zèbre {m} de Grant [Equus quagga boehmi] | Grant's zebra |
zool.T zèbre {m} de Grévy [Equus grevyi] | Grevy's zebra [also: Grévy's zebra] |
zool.T zèbre {m} de Grévy [Equus grevyi] | imperial zebra |
zool.T zèbre {m} de montagne [Equus zebra] | mountain zebra |
zool.T zèbre {m} impérial [Equus grevyi] | Grevy's zebra [also: Grévy's zebra] |
zool.T zèbre {m} impérial [Equus grevyi] | imperial zebra |
zool.T zèbre {m} vrai [Equus zebra] | mountain zebra |
zébré de qc. | streaked with sth. |
zool. zébreau {m} | zebra foal |
zool. zébrelle {f} | zebra mare |
météo. zébrer qc. [éclair dans le ciel] | to flash through sth. [lightning] |
zébrer qc. [lignes: irrégulières] | to streak sth. |
zébrer qc. [lignes: régulières] | to stripe sth. |
zool.T zébu {m} [Bos taurus indicus, syn. : Bos indicus, Bos primigenius indicus] | zebu |
géogr. Zeebruges {f} | Zeebrugge |
zélandais | of Zeeland |
ling. zélandais {m} | Zeelandic |
géogr. Zélande {f} | Zeeland |
relig. zélateur {m} | zealot |
relig. zélatrice {f} | zealot [female] |
zélé | ambitious |
zélé | assiduous |
zélé | dedicated [hardworking] |
zélé | eager |
zélé | enthusiastic |
zélé | keen |
zélé | officious |
zélé | sedulous [diligent] |
zélé | striving |
zélé | zealous |
zèle {m} | ambitiousness |
zèle {m} | application [diligence] |
zèle {m} | eagerness |
zèle {m} | enthusiasm |
zèle {m} | zeal |
zèle {m} | zealotry |
arts zellige {m} [aussi : zliz ou jelliz] | zellij [also: zillij or zellige] |
relig. Zen | Zen [attr.] |
relig. Zen {m} | Zen |
math. zénith {m} | angular point |
math. zénith {m} | apex |
zénith {m} | apogee |
zénith {m} | climax [pinnacle] [also fig. for: orgasm] |
math. zénith {m} | crest |
zénith {m} | crisis [climax] |
zénith {m} | culmination |
math. zénith {m} | cusp |
zénith {m} | high point |
zénith {m} | highlight |
zénith {m} | peak |
zénith {m} | pinnacle |
zénith {m} | summit [pinnacle, height] |
math. zénith {m} | summit [vertex] |
math. zénith {m} | vertex |
zénith {m} | zenith |
météo. zéphyr {m} [littéraire] [vent doux et agréable] | zephyr [literary] [gentle breeze] |
aviat. zeppelin {m} | airship |
aviat. zeppelin {m} | Zeppelin |
unit zepto- <z> [10 ^ -21] | zepto- <z> |
entom.T zérène {f} de l'orme [Abraxas sylvata, syn. : A. sylvatus, Calospilos sylvata] | clouded magpie (moth) |
entom.T zérène {f} de l'orme [Abraxas sylvata, syn. : A. sylvatus, Calospilos sylvata] | scarce magpie (moth) |
entom.T zérène {f} de l'orme [Abraxas sylvata, syn. : A. sylvatus, Calospilos sylvata] | Yorkshire magpie moth |
entom.T zérène {f} du groseillier [Abraxas grossulariata] | currant moth |
entom.T zérène {f} du groseillier [Abraxas grossulariata] | magpie moth |
zéro | zero |
zéro {m} | naught [archaic] [zero] |
zéro {m} | nil [zero] |
zéro {m} | nothing |
zéro {m} | nought [esp Br.] [zero] |
zéro {m} | zero |
phys. zéro {m} absolu | absolute zero |
géogr.naut. zéro {m} hydrographique | chart datum <CD> |
internettech.télécom. zero rating {m} [accès gratuit à certains sites ou applications] | zero-rating |
math. zéro virgule cinq <0,5> | nought point five <0.5> |
Zéro virgule cinq est un demi. <0,5 = ½> | Nought point five is a half. <0.5 = ½> |
hist.relig. zervanisme {m} | Zurvanism |
cuis. zeste {m} [écorce] | zest |