Page 1 of 18 for the letter F in the Romanian-English dictionary
Fa {m} diez <F#>
F sharp <F♯>muz.
Fa {m} major
F major <F>muz.
Fa {m} minor
F minor <f, Fm>muz.
fabianism {n}
a fabrica
to produce
fabrică {f}
plant [factory]ind.
fabrică {f} de automobile
car factoryautomob.ind.
fabrică {f} de bere
beer plant [Am.]bere
fabrică {f} de carne
meat packing plant [Am.]alim.
fabrică {f} de celuloză
pulp millind.
fabrică {f} de cherestea
lumber mill [Am.]ind.
lumbermill [Am.]
fabrică {f} de ciment
cement factoryind.
cement plantind.
fabrică {f} de ciocolată
chocolate factoryalim.
fabrică {f} de hârtie
paper factory
paper millind.
paper plantind.
fabrică {f} de mobilă
furniture factoryind.mobilă
fabrică {f} de pantofi
shoe factoryind.vest.
fabrică {f} de săpun
soap factory
fabrică {f} de sticlă
glass factoryind.
fabrică {f} de zahăr
sugar factory
sugar millalim.ind.
sugar plantind.
fabricant {m}
fabricant [archaic]
a fabula
to fabulate
Fac cinste.
The drinks are on me. [coll.]
făcător {m} de regi
a face
to be done
to be made
to do
to make
a face autostopul
to hitch-hikecircul.
to hitchhike
a face baie
to have a bath
to take a bath
a face blatul
to be a fare dodgerjur.transp.
a face caca [limbajul copiilor]
to do a poo / pooh [coll.]
to do poo-poos [childish talk]
a face cafea
to brew coffeegastr.
a face carieră
to make one's career
a face catering
to cater
a face ceai
to brew tea
to make tea
a face ceva numai de-al dracului
to do sth. just to peeve
a face ceva numai de-a dracului
to do sth. just to tease
a face check-in
to check in
a face cinste [pop.]
to treat sb. [pay the bill]
a face click dreapta
to right-clickinform.
a face click stânga
to left-clickinform.
a face concesii
to make concessions
a face contrabandă
to bootleg
to contraband
to smuggle
a face cu mâna
to wave
a face cuiva o bucurie
to bring joy to sb.
a face cunoștință cu cineva
to become acquainted with sb.
a face curte
to woo
a face de rușine
to abash
a face din țânțar armăsar
to make a mountain out of a molehill
a face dragoste
to make love
a face duș
to have a shower
a face față unei situații [pop.]
to handle sth. [coll.] [cope with sth. (successfully)]
a face flotări
to do push-ups [Am.]sport
a face gargară
to burble
a face haz de necaz
to grin and bear it
a face implozie
to implodefiz.
a face istorie
to make history
a face jogging
to jogsport
a face labă [vulg.]
to jerk [esp. Am.] [vulg.]
a face la dreapta
to turn right
a face muncă de pionierat [fig.]
to pioneer
a face naveta
to commute [to travel between home and work]
to shuttle
a face o afirmație
to make an assertion
a face o autopsie
to perform an autopsymed.
a face o baie de mulțime
to mingle with the crowd
a face o călătorie cu vaporul
to sail [go by boat]naut.
a face o plimbare
to go for a stroll
to go for a walk
to have a walk
to take a walk
to undertake a walk
a face o poză
to take a picturefoto.
a face o programare
to make an appointment
a face o promisiune
to make a promise
a face o radiografie
to x-ray [spv., Am.] [capitalized in Br.]
a face o săritură
to rebound
a face o surpriză
to surprise
a face olărie
to do pottery
to make pottery
a face ordine
to tidy up
Face parte din familie.
He's family.
a face pauză de prânz
to break off for lunch
Fa {m} diez <F#>
F sharp <F♯>
Fa {m} major
F major <F>
Fa {m} minor
F minor <f, Fm>
fabianism {n}
a fabricato produce
fabrică {f}
fabrică {f}mill
fabrică {f}
plant [factory]
fabrică {f} de automobile
car factory
fabrică {f} de bere
beer plant [Am.]
fabrică {f} de carne
meat packing plant [Am.]
fabrică {f} de celuloză
pulp mill
fabrică {f} de cherestea
lumber mill [Am.]
fabrică {f} de cherestealumbermill [Am.]
fabrică {f} de ciment
cement factory
fabrică {f} de ciment
cement plant
fabrică {f} de ciocolată
chocolate factory
fabrică {f} de hârtiepaper factory
fabrică {f} de hârtie
paper mill
fabrică {f} de hârtie
paper plant
fabrică {f} de hârtiepapermill
fabrică {f} de mobilă
furniture factory
fabrică {f} de pantofi
shoe factory
fabrică {f} de săpunsoap factory
fabrică {f} de sticlă
glass factory
fabrică {f} de zahărsugar factory
fabrică {f} de zahăr
sugar mill
fabrică {f} de zahăr
sugar plant
fabricant {m}fabricant [archaic]
a fabulato fabulate
Fac cinste.The drinks are on me. [coll.]
făcător {m} de regikingmaker
a faceto be done
a faceto be made
a faceto do
a faceto make
a face autostopul
to hitch-hike
a face autostopulto hitchhike
a face baieto have a bath
a face baieto take a bath
a face blatul
to be a fare dodger
a face caca [limbajul copiilor]to do a poo / pooh [coll.]
a face caca [limbajul copiilor]to do poo-poos [childish talk]
a face cafea
to brew coffee
a face carierăto make one's career
a face cateringto cater
a face ceaito brew tea
a face ceaito make tea
a face ceva numai de-al draculuito do sth. just to peeve
a face ceva numai de-a draculuito do sth. just to tease
a face check-into check in
a face cinste [pop.]to treat sb. [pay the bill]
a face click dreapta
to right-click
a face click stânga
to left-click
a face concesiito make concessions
a face contrabandăto bootleg
a face contrabandăto contraband
a face contrabandăto smuggle
a face cu mânato wave
a face cuiva o bucurieto bring joy to sb.
a face cunoștință cu cinevato become acquainted with sb.
a face curteto woo
a face de rușineto abash
a face din țânțar armăsarto make a mountain out of a molehill
a face dragosteto make love
a face dușto have a shower
a face față unei situații [pop.]to handle sth. [coll.] [cope with sth. (successfully)]
a face flotări
to do push-ups [Am.]
a face gargarăto burble
a face haz de necazto grin and bear it
a face implozie
to implode
a face istorieto make history
a face jogging
to jog
a face labă [vulg.]to jerk [esp. Am.] [vulg.]
a face la dreaptato turn right
a face muncă de pionierat [fig.]to pioneer
a face navetato commute [to travel between home and work]
a face navetato shuttle
a face o afirmațieto make an assertion
a face o autopsie
to perform an autopsy
a face o baie de mulțimeto mingle with the crowd
a face o călătorie cu vaporul
to sail [go by boat]
a face o plimbareto go for a stroll
a face o plimbareto go for a walk
a face o plimbareto have a walk
a face o plimbareto take a walk
a face o plimbareto undertake a walk
a face o poză
to take a picture
a face o programareto make an appointment
a face o promisiuneto make a promise
a face o radiografie
to x-ray [spv., Am.] [capitalized in Br.]
a face o săriturăto rebound
a face o surprizăto surprise
a face olărieto do pottery
a face olărieto make pottery
a face ordineto tidy up
Face parte din familie.He's family.
a face pauză de prânzto break off for lunch
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