Page 1 of 82 for the letter N in the Slovak-English dictionary
n-čo n-mu ide [darí sa]
sb. is good at sth.
n-čo už klope na dvere [idióm]
sth. is around the corner [idiom] [soon to happen]
sth. is round the corner [idiom] [soon to happen]
n-čoho je ako šafranu [idióm]
sth. is few and far between
n-mu praskne hlava
sb.'s head is splitting
n-mu sa krúti hlava
sb.'s head is spinning
n-mu sa kýchlo
sb. has sneezed [once]
n-mu sa motá hlava
sb.'s head is spinning
n-mu sa točí hlava
sb.'s head is spinning
n-mu treští hlava
sb.'s head is splitting
n-mu vstávajú vlasy dupkom [idióm]
sb.'s hair stands on end [idiom]
n-o by mal
sb. should
n-o by mohol
sb. could [would be able]
sb. might
n-o drkoce zubami [nedok.]
sb.'s teeth are chattering
n-o kýchol
sb. has sneezed [once]
n-o mohol
sb. could [was able]
n-o môže
sb. can
sb. may [is possibly]
n-o musí
sb. must
n-o nemôže trpieť n-čo [znášať]
sb. cannot abide sb./sth.
n-o nemôže vystáť n-ho/ n-čo
sb. cannot abide sb./sth.
n-o nesmie
sb. must not
n-o nestrpí n-čo
sb. cannot abide sb./sth.
n-o neznáša n-ho/ n-čo
sb. cannot abide sb./sth.
n-o smie
sb. may [is permitted]
n-o/ n-čo je
sb./sth. is
n-o/ n-čo nemusí [nedok.]
sb./sth. may not [sth. is not necessary]
n-o/ n-čo nesmie [nedok.] [má zakázané]
sb./sth. may not
n-o/ n-čo neurobilo na n-ho dojem
sb. was unimpressed by / with sb./sth.
n-o/n-čo prišiel/prišla/prišlo
sb./sth. came
N'Djamena {f}
na [+ak.]
at [direction]
atop (of) [direction] [Am.] [literary]
in [direction]
on [direction]
upon [direction] [Br.]
na [+ak.] [účel, cieľ: určený na n-čo; čas. údaj: stanovený na dátum, hodinu ap.; porovnanie dvoch aspektov]
na [+ak.] [vyj. pokrytie na celý povrch]
over [direction]
na [+lok.]
at [place]
atop (of) [place] [Am.] [literary]
in [place]
on [place]
upon [place] [Br.]
na [+lok.] [vyj. pokrytie na celom povrchu]
over [place]
na (jedno) posedenie [idióm]
at a pop [sl.] [idiom]
na (veľkú) radosť n-ho
to the (great) delight of sb.
na breh
ashore [to the shore, onto the shore]
na brehu
ashore [on the shore]
na budúci rok
next year
na celom celučičkom svete
in the whole wide world
na celý život
for life
na chvíľku
for a while
for an instant
momentarily [Am.] [for a moment]
na chvíľu
for a while
for an instant
momentarily [for a moment]
na chvíľu sa zamyslieť [dok.]
to think for a moment
na chvíľu si ľahnúť [dok.]
to have a lie-down [Br.]
Na čo sa to hrám?
Who am I kidding? [expression of self-doubt]
na čo si len spomenieš [úplne všetko]
anything you can think of
na čokoľvek si spomenieš [úplne všetko]
anything you can think of
na cudzí účet [idióm]
at somebody elses's expense [idiom]
Na dlaniach sa mu urobili pľuzgiere.
His palms blistered.
na dĺžku [merajúci]
in length
na dôchodku
in retirementpoisť.práca
na dolnom toku
na doma
na domácom trhu
na dosah
in range
na dosluch
within earshot
na dostrel
in rangevoj.
na dôvažok
on top of that
na druhej strane
on the other hand
then again
with that being said
na druhej strane [+gen.]
na druhej strane [prekážky]
na druhej strane [za n-čím]
na druhej strane n-čoho
beyond sth.
na druhú stranu [prekážky]
na entú [ľud.] [idióm]
and a half [idiom]
na fleku [ľud.] [ihneď, bez zaváhania]
in a heartbeat [idiom]
na hladine
na hlavu
per capita
na hodine
in classvzdel.
na hornom toku
na hranici chudoby
on the margins of povertysociol.
on the poverty linesociol.
na jadrový pohon
na jar
in spring
na jednej strane
on the one hand
na jedno použitie
n-čo n-mu ide [darí sa]sb. is good at sth.
n-čo už klope na dvere [idióm]sth. is around the corner [idiom] [soon to happen]
n-čo už klope na dvere [idióm]sth. is round the corner [idiom] [soon to happen]
n-čoho je ako šafranu [idióm]sth. is few and far between
n-mu praskne hlavasb.'s head is splitting
n-mu sa krúti hlavasb.'s head is spinning
n-mu sa kýchlosb. has sneezed [once]
n-mu sa motá hlavasb.'s head is spinning
n-mu sa točí hlavasb.'s head is spinning
n-mu treští hlavasb.'s head is splitting
n-mu vstávajú vlasy dupkom [idióm]sb.'s hair stands on end [idiom]
n-o by malsb. should
n-o by moholsb. could [would be able]
n-o by moholsb. might
n-o drkoce zubami [nedok.]sb.'s teeth are chattering
n-o kýcholsb. has sneezed [once]
n-o moholsb. could [was able]
n-o môžesb. can
n-o môžesb. may [is possibly]
n-o musísb. must
n-o nemôže trpieť n-čo [znášať]sb. cannot abide sb./sth.
n-o nemôže vystáť n-ho/ n-čosb. cannot abide sb./sth.
n-o nesmiesb. must not
n-o nestrpí n-čosb. cannot abide sb./sth.
n-o neznáša n-ho/ n-čosb. cannot abide sb./sth.
n-o smiesb. may [is permitted]
n-o/ n-čo jesb./sth. is
n-o/ n-čo nemusí [nedok.]sb./sth. may not [sth. is not necessary]
n-o/ n-čo nesmie [nedok.] [má zakázané]sb./sth. may not
n-o/ n-čo neurobilo na n-ho dojemsb. was unimpressed by / with sb./sth.
n-o/n-čo prišiel/prišla/prišlosb./sth. came
N'Djamena {f}
na [+ak.]at [direction]
na [+ak.]atop (of) [direction] [Am.] [literary]
na [+ak.]in [direction]
na [+ak.]of
na [+ak.]on [direction]
na [+ak.]onto
na [+ak.]to
na [+ak.]upon [direction] [Br.]
na [+ak.] [účel, cieľ: určený na n-čo; čas. údaj: stanovený na dátum, hodinu ap.; porovnanie dvoch aspektov]for
na [+ak.] [vyj. pokrytie na celý povrch]over [direction]
na [+lok.]at [place]
na [+lok.]atop (of) [place] [Am.] [literary]
na [+lok.]in [place]
na [+lok.]on [place]
na [+lok.]upon [place] [Br.]
na [+lok.] [vyj. pokrytie na celom povrchu]over [place]
na (jedno) posedenie [idióm]at a pop [sl.] [idiom]
na (veľkú) radosť n-hoto the (great) delight of sb.
na brehashore [to the shore, onto the shore]
na brehuashore [on the shore]
na budúci roknext year
na celom celučičkom svetein the whole wide world
na celý životfor life
na chvíľkuawhile
na chvíľkufor a while
na chvíľkufor an instant
na chvíľkumomentarily [Am.] [for a moment]
na chvíľuawhile
na chvíľufor a while
na chvíľufor an instant
na chvíľumomentarily [for a moment]
na chvíľu sa zamyslieť [dok.]to think for a moment
na chvíľu si ľahnúť [dok.]to have a lie-down [Br.]
Na čo sa to hrám?Who am I kidding? [expression of self-doubt]
na čo si len spomenieš [úplne všetko]anything you can think of
na čokoľvek si spomenieš [úplne všetko]anything you can think of
na cudzí účet [idióm]at somebody elses's expense [idiom]
Na dlaniach sa mu urobili pľuzgiere.His palms blistered.
na dĺžku [merajúci]in length
na dôchodku
in retirement
na dolnom tokudownstream
na doma
na domácom trhu
na dosahin range
na dosluchwithin earshot
na dostrel
in range
na dôvažokon top of that
na druhej straneon the other hand
na druhej stranethen again
na druhej stranewith that being said
na druhej strane [+gen.]across
na druhej strane [prekážky]over
na druhej strane [za n-čím]beyond
na druhej strane n-čohobeyond sth.
na druhú stranu [prekážky]over
na entú [ľud.] [idióm]and a half [idiom]
na fleku [ľud.] [ihneď, bez zaváhania]in a heartbeat [idiom]
na hladineafloat
na hlavuper capita
na hodine
in class
na hornom tokuupriver
na hornom tokuupstream
na hranici chudoby
on the margins of poverty
na hranici chudoby
on the poverty line
na jadrový pohon
na jarin spring
na jednej straneon the one hand
na jedno použitiedisposable
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