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 Translation for 'La' from Spanish to English
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PRON   el | la | los | las
la {f}the
lantano {m} <La>
lanthanum <La>
2 Words: Others
la víspera {adv}the day before
2 Words: Nouns
la acusada {noun}
the accused [female]
la Benemérita {noun}the Spanish Civil Guard
la Generalitat {f}
The Generalitat [The Government of Catalonia]
La Haya {f}
The Hague
la proa {f}
the fore
La Solidaridad {f}
La Solidaridad
3 Words: Others
unverified ¡a la chingada! [mex.] [vulg.]screw you! [Am.]
unverified ¡arranca la penca! [¡vete ya!] [esp.] [Canarias]leave already! [coll.] [Am.]
¡Deja la singae! [¡No me molestes!] [col.] [carib.] [Cuba]Don't bother me!
¡Sepa la bola! [Mexico] [col.]Who knows!
unverified ¡Simona la mona! [¡sí!] [mex.] [Distrito Federal] [col.]yes!
a la carrera {adv} [col.] [locución]hurriedly
a la carta {adj} {adv}
à la carte
a la derecha {adv}on the right
a la derecha {adv}to the right
a la deriva {adj}adrift
a la desesperada {adv} [locución]in desperation
unverified a la firme {adv} [de verdad] [sur.] [col.] [Perú]really
a la fuerza {adv} [contra su voluntad]by force [against sb.'s will]
unverified a la greña {adj} [mex.]quick
a la hora {adv}on time
a la intemperie {adv}in the open
a la intemperie {adv}under the open sky
a la izquierda {adv}on the left
a la izquierda {adv}to the left
a la larga {adv}in the long way
a la par {adv} [al mismo tiempo]at the same time [together]
a la plancha {adj}
a la que {conj} [cuando]when
a la sazón {adv}back then
unverified a la sorda [en privado] [mex.]in private [also: in secret]
a la vez {adv}at the same time [simultaneously]
a la vuelta {adv}overleaf
a la vuelta {adv}round the corner
a la vuelta {adv}around the corner
a la zaga {adv} [loc.]behind
de la comida {adj}prandial [formal or humorous]
de la madrugada {adv}from the early hours of the morning
de la proa {adj}
Dime la verdad.Tell me the truth.
durante la semana {adv}during the week
en la noche {adv}at night
en la onda {adj} [col.] [a la moda]funky [sl.] [stylish]
en la presente {adv}herewith [with this letter]
hacia la proa {adv}
Hazme la valona. {[verb]} [col.] [mex.]Do me a favour. [Br.]
la peste negra
(the) Black Death
la semana pasada {adv}last week
la semana próxima {adv}next week
La señora Dalloway
Mrs Dalloway [Virginia Woolf]
por la mañana {adv}in the morning
por la noche {adv}at night
por la noche {adv}in the evening
por la presente {adv}hereby
por la presente {adv}herewith [hereby]
por la tarde {adv}in the afternoon
sobre la marcha {adv} [locución]on the fly [idiom]
toda la noche {adv}all the night
toda la noche {adv}all night (long)
3 Words: Verbs
abandonar la vigilanciato let down one's guard [fig.]
unverified achaparrarse la cabeza [agocharse] [mex.]to bow one's head
afinar la puntería [apuntar con cuidado]
to take careful aim
afinar la puntería [poner cuidado]to take care
afinar la puntería [poner cuidado]to be careful
agachar la cabezato hang one's head
agarrar la jarra {f} [México] [col.] to go on a bender [coll.] [get drunk for a substantial period]
unverified agarrar la onda [comprender] [mex.] [col.]to understand
aguzar la vista [locución]to keep one's eyes peeled [coll.] [idiom]
alargar la manoto reach out with the hand
unverified amarrar la perra [vaguear] [carib.] [Venezuela] [col.]to be lazy
anudarse la corbata
to knot one's tie
apartar la carato turn one's face away
aporrear la puertato bang on the door
arrugar la carato gurn [Br.] [make a grotesque face]
caerse la babato drool
chascar la lenguato click one's tongue
chasquear la lenguato cluck one's tongue
chasquear la lenguato click one's tongue
unverified dar la hora [perder el tiempo] [sur.] [Chile] [col.]to waste time
dar la vuelta [volverse]to turn round [Br.]
darse la manoto shake hands
darse la vueltato turn around
descubrirse la carato unveil one's face
disminuir la velocidadto slow down
doblar la esquinato go round the corner
unverified dormir la monato sleep heavily
unverified echar la pasión [tener sexo] [col.] [mex.]to get laid [Am.] [vulg.] [sl.]
echar la pota [esp.] [col.]to puke [sl.]
embarrar la cancha [col.] [locución] to queer the pitch [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [spoil the chances]
entornar la puertato leave the door ajar
erguir la espaldato straighten the spine
estirar la pata [col.] [morir]to pop off [coll.] [die]
fijar la fechato set the date
hacer la comprato do the shopping
hacer la mona [esp.] [Huelva] [col.]to skip class
hacer la plancha
to do the plank
hacerse la jarocha [mex.] [col.]to have a sex change
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Translation for 'La' from Spanish to English

la {f}

lantano {m} <La>
lanthanum <La>quím.

la víspera {adv}
the day before

la acusada {noun}
the accused [female]jur.
la Benemérita {noun}
the Spanish Civil Guard
la Generalitat {f}
The Generalitat [The Government of Catalonia]admin.
La Haya {f}
The Haguegeogr.
la proa {f}
the forenáut.
La Solidaridad {f}
unverified La Solidaridadhist.pol.

¡a la chingada! [mex.] [vulg.]
unverified screw you! [Am.]
¡arranca la penca! [¡vete ya!] [esp.] [Canarias]
unverified leave already! [coll.] [Am.]
¡Deja la singae! [¡No me molestes!] [col.] [carib.] [Cuba]
Don't bother me!
¡Sepa la bola! [Mexico] [col.]
Who knows!
¡Simona la mona! [¡sí!] [mex.] [Distrito Federal] [col.]
unverified yes!
a la carrera {adv} [col.] [locución]
a la carta {adj} {adv}
à la cartegastr.
a la derecha {adv}
on the right

to the right
a la deriva {adj}
a la desesperada {adv} [locución]
in desperation
a la firme {adv} [de verdad] [sur.] [col.] [Perú]
unverified really
a la fuerza {adv} [contra su voluntad]
by force [against sb.'s will]
a la greña {adj} [mex.]
unverified quick
a la hora {adv}
on time
a la intemperie {adv}
in the open

under the open sky
a la izquierda {adv}
on the left

to the left
a la larga {adv}
in the long way
a la par {adv} [al mismo tiempo]
at the same time [together]
a la plancha {adj}
a la que {conj} [cuando]
a la sazón {adv}
back then
a la sorda [en privado] [mex.]
unverified in private [also: in secret]
a la vez {adv}
at the same time [simultaneously]
a la vuelta {adv}

round the corner

around the corner
a la zaga {adv} [loc.]
de la comida {adj}
prandial [formal or humorous]
de la madrugada {adv}
from the early hours of the morning
de la proa {adj}
Dime la verdad.
Tell me the truth.
durante la semana {adv}
during the week
en la noche {adv}
at night
en la onda {adj} [col.] [a la moda]
funky [sl.] [stylish]
en la presente {adv}
herewith [with this letter]
hacia la proa {adv}
Hazme la valona. {[verb]} [col.] [mex.]
Do me a favour. [Br.]
la peste negra
(the) Black
la semana pasada {adv}
last week
la semana próxima {adv}
next week
La señora Dalloway
Mrs Dalloway [Virginia Woolf]lit.
por la mañana {adv}
in the morning
por la noche {adv}
at night

in the evening
por la presente {adv}

herewith [hereby]
por la tarde {adv}
in the afternoon
sobre la marcha {adv} [locución]
on the fly [idiom]
toda la noche {adv}
all the night

all night (long)

abandonar la vigilancia
to let down one's guard [fig.]
achaparrarse la cabeza [agocharse] [mex.]
unverified to bow one's head
afinar la puntería [apuntar con cuidado]
to take careful aimarmas
afinar la puntería [poner cuidado]
to take care

to be careful
agachar la cabeza
to hang one's head
agarrar la jarra {f} [México] [col.]
to go on a bender [coll.] [get drunk for a substantial period]
agarrar la onda [comprender] [mex.] [col.]
unverified to understand
aguzar la vista [locución]
to keep one's eyes peeled [coll.] [idiom]
alargar la mano
to reach out with the hand
amarrar la perra [vaguear] [carib.] [Venezuela] [col.]
unverified to be lazy
anudarse la corbata
to knot one's tieindum.
apartar la cara
to turn one's face away
aporrear la puerta
to bang on the door
arrugar la cara
to gurn [Br.] [make a grotesque face]
caerse la baba
to drool
chascar la lengua
to click one's tongue
chasquear la lengua
to cluck one's tongue

to click one's tongue
dar la hora [perder el tiempo] [sur.] [Chile] [col.]
unverified to waste time
dar la vuelta [volverse]
to turn round [Br.]
darse la mano
to shake hands
darse la vuelta
to turn around
descubrirse la cara
to unveil one's face
disminuir la velocidad
to slow down
doblar la esquina
to go round the corner
dormir la mona
unverified to sleep heavily
echar la pasión [tener sexo] [col.] [mex.]
unverified to get laid [Am.] [vulg.] [sl.]
echar la pota [esp.] [col.]
to puke [sl.]
embarrar la cancha [col.] [locución]
to queer the pitch [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [spoil the chances]
entornar la puerta
to leave the door ajar
erguir la espalda
to straighten the spine
estirar la pata [col.] [morir]
to pop off [coll.] [die]
fijar la fecha
to set the date
hacer la compra
to do the shopping
hacer la mona [esp.] [Huelva] [col.]
to skip class
hacer la plancha
to do the plankdep.
hacerse la jarocha [mex.] [col.]
to have a sex change
  • lanthanum <La> = lantano {m} <La>
  • lymphangioma <LA> = linfangioma {m}
  • à la carte = a la carta
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