Translations for "[Contest]" found in: Albanian,
Slovak» Show all
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
| Gesangs- [z. B. Karriere, Unterricht, Wettbewerb, Duo, Übung] | singing [attr.] [e.g. career, classes, contest, duo, exercise] |
| austragen [einen Wettkampf, ein Spiel etc.] | to hold [a contest, a match, etc.] |
| abschneiden [in Prüfungen etc.] | to perform [in a contest, poll, examination, election etc.] |
| anzweifeln | to question [doubt, contest] |
| fertigmachen [ugs.] [völlig besiegen] | to skunk [Am.] [coll.] [defeat overwhelmingly in a game or contest] |
| teilnehmen [an Wettbewerb, Rennen etc.] | to enter [race, contest] |
| Wettkampf {m} | bout [contest] |
| Preisrichter {m} | judge [in a talent contest] |
| Überraschungserfolg {m} [gegen stärker eingeschätzte Konkurrenz] | upset [unexpected win in a contest] |
| Streit {m} [Wettstreit] | competition [contest] |
| yfirburðasigur {k} | walkaway [Am.] [an easily won contest] |
| faire appel [contester un jugement] | to appeal [contest a judgement] |
| match {m} inégal | mismatch [uneven contest] |
| соревнование {с} sorewnowanije | competition [contest] |
| współzawodniczyć [niedok.] | to compete [contest] |
| zawody {pl} [plurale tantum] | competition [contest] {sg} |
| konkurs {m} | competition [contest] |
| predkolo {n} | heat [preliminary eliminating contest] |
| rozbeh {m} | heat [preliminary eliminating running contest] |
| rozplavba {f} | heat [preliminary eliminating swimming contest] |
| kilpailu [kilpa-ajot] | race [contest] |
| garë {f} | race [contest] |
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