Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[Cor]" found in: Bosnian, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Esperanto, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Herz {n}
heart [Cor]
Bukardie {f}
bucardia [Cor bovinum, Cor taurinum]
hjärta {n}
heart [Cor]
hjerte {n}
heart [Cor]
hjarta {hv}
heart [Cor]
claro [cor clara]
fair [light in color]
coração {m}
heart [Cor]
cuore {m}
heart [Cor]
inimă {f}
heart [Cor]
cor {n}
heart [Cor]
pectus {n}
heart [Cor]
serce {n}
heart [Cor]
srdce {n}
heart [Cor]
срце {ср} srce
heart [Cor]
heart [Cor]
сърце {ср} sʌrtse
heart [Cor]
szív [Cor]
heart [Cor]
© English-German dictionary 2024
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