Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[II]" found in: Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Romanian
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Josephinian [pertaining to the era of Joseph II. in Austria]
[(die Zeit von) König Karl I. und II. von England betreffend]
Zwischenkriegs- [z. B. Zeit, Jahre, Generation] [Zeit zwischen WK I und WK II]
interwar [also: inter-war] [e.g. period, years, generation] [period between WW I und WW II]
Kobalt- [Kobalt(II)-]
cobaltous [cobalt(II)]
Cobalt- [Cobalt(II)-] [fachspr.]
cobaltous [cobalt(II)]
Supertonika {f} [selten] [Stufe II]
Panzer {m} [Kampfpanzer]
panzer [German battle tank, especially of the type used during WW II]
Heimatvertriebener {m}
expellee [ethnic and native Germans expelled from other countries after WW II]
Axis {m} <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel]
axis <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [second cervical vertebra]
Kahlschlagliteratur {f}
Trümmerliteratur [literally transl.: rubble literature, i.e. German literature immediately after WW II]
ástandið {hv} [samskipti íslenskra kvenna og breskra eða bandarískra hermanna á árum seinni heimsstyrjaldar]
[the relationships of Icelandic women with British and then American soldiers who came to occupy the country during World War II]
déplacé {m} forcé [de sa patrie]
expellee [e.g. ethnic and native Germans expelled from other countries after WW II]
déplacée {f} forcée [de sa patrie]
expellee [female] [e.g. ethnic and native Germans expelled from other countries after WW II]
Dunărea albastră [Johann Strauss (fiul)]
The Blue Danube [Johann Strauss II]
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