Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[Individual]" found in: Bulgarian, French, German, Norwegian, Polish, Slovak, Spanish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
singular [separate, individual]
Großraumbüro {n}
bullpen [esp. Am.] [coll.] [a business office that is not divided into individual compartments]
Abschottung {f}
seclusion [of individual, group]
Rolle {f} [Gestalt, Stellung]
rôle [dated spv.] [role] [part played by an individual or actor]
Erbanlagen {pl}
genetics {sg} [of a specific individual or species]
Einzelprokura {f}
[individual power of representation]
Handlungs­kompetenz {f}
competence [ability of an individual to perform]
Einzelteile {pl}
parts [individual parts, components]
Granate {f} [ugs.] [sehr attraktive Person]
smokeshow [sl.] [extremely physically attractive individual]
Handlungs­kompetenz {f}
competency [ability of an individual to perform]
rulleblad {n}
[form with necessary information about the individual conscript's personnel, service and character]
acusación {f} [individual]
discrete [separate, individual]
personnage {m}
character [individual]
poil {m}
hair [individual]
dent {f} (d'engrenage)
cog [individual tooth of a cogwheel]
niveau {m} d'alphabétisation
literacy [in an individual]
single [individual]
индивидуален individualen
particular [individual]
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