Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[Northern]" found in: Danish, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
boreal [northern]
nix [ugs.]
nowt [Br.] [northern dialect]
nischt [ugs.]
nowt [Br.] [northern dialect]
tha [Br.] [dialect] [Northern England] [from: thou]
aufgeschmissen [ugs.]
fooked [vulg.] [fucked] [only used in Northern England]
to boak [Scot.] [Northern English] [to vomit]
Pfütze {f}
dub [Scot.] [Northern England] [puddle]
Weiten {pl} [eines Landes, etwa Russlands, Sibiriens etc.]
vastnesses [of Northern Canada, Russia, etc.]
Bergrücken {m} [baumlos, bes. im Hochland]
fell [Br.] [rocky ridge, esp. in northern England and Scotland]
Kommers {m}
commercium [traditional academic feast of student fraternities at universities in Central and Northern Europe]
fjäll {n}
mountain [going over the treeline, esp. in Northern Sweden]
Þríhyrningurinn {k}
Triangulum <Tri> [northern sky constellation]
Drekinn {k}
Draco <Dra> [northern sky constellation]
trouvère {m} [troubadour]
troubadour [wandering medieval poet in northern France]
Mecklembourg {m}
Mecklenburg [historical region in northern Germany]
guelfes {}
Guelphs [faction supporting the Pope in 12C and 13C in the Italian city-states of Central and Northern Italy]
gibelins {}
Ghibellines [faction supporting the Holy Roman Emperor in 12C and 13C in the Italian city-states of Central and Northern Italy]
bourle {f}
[game of bowls traditionally played in Northern France]
panne {f}
[term used in Northern France to describe a depression between two dunes]
boreal [northern]
údolie {n} [hl. v severnom Anglicku]
dale [literary or Northern English]
dolina {f} [hl. v severnom Anglicku]
dale [literary or Northern English]
lapasorsa [Anas clypeata]
shoveler [Br.] [northern shoveler]
Chernihiv [also: Chernigov] [city in northern Ukraine]
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