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Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit
Remembrance of Things­ Past [Marcel Proust]
Op zoek naar de verloren tijd
In Search of Lost Time [Marcel Proust]
På spaning efter den tid som flytt
In Search of Lost Time [Marcel Proust]
På sporet af den tabte tid
In Search of Lost Time [Marcel Proust]
På sporet av den tapte tid [Marcel Proust]
In Search of Lost Time
En busca del tiempo perdido
In Search of Lost Time [Marcel Proust]
À la recherche du temps perdu [Marcel Proust]
In Search of Lost Time
Alla ricerca del tempo perduto
In Search of Lost Time [Marcel Proust]
În căutarea timpului pierdut
In Search of Lost Time [Marcel Proust]
В поисках утраченного времени [Марсель Пруст] W poiskach utratschennogo wremeni
In Search of Lost Time / Remembrance of Things­ Past [Marcel Proust]
W poszukiwaniu straconego czasu
In Search of Lost Time [Marcel Proust]
Hledání ztraceného času
In Search of Lost Time [Marcel Proust]
Hľadanie strateného času [Marcel Proust]
In Search of Lost Time
U traganju za izgubljenim vremenom
In Search of Lost Time [Marcel Proust]
По следите на изгубеното време [Марсел Пруст] Po sledite na izgubenoto vreme
In Search of Lost Time [also: Remembrance of Things­ Past] [Marcel Proust]
Kadonnutta aikaa etsimässä [Marcel Proust]
In Search of Lost Time
Reserĉe al la perdita tempo
In Search of Lost Time [Marcel Proust]
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