Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[Ranking]" found in: French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovak
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
accessory [lower-ranking]
Bonze {m} [pej.] [höherer Funktionär]
mandarin [pej.] [high ranking civil servant]
Apparatschik {m} [pej.]
mandarin [high-ranking official with extensive powers] [pej.]
Marquis {m}
marquis [(in some European countries) a nobleman ranking above a count and below a duke]
Prinzling {m} [Sohn eines hohen chines. Parteikaders]
princeling [son of high-ranking Chinese official]
Palatin {m} [höchster Beamter im Königreich Ungarn]
palatine [highest-ranking official in the Kingdom of Hungary]
Kreisjägermeister {m}
[mid-ranking officer in a Nazi-era German hunting society]
residens {m}
residence [official home of a head of state or another high-ranking public person]
cubiculaire {m} [fonctionnaire de rang élevé à Byzance]
[high-ranking government worker in Byzantium]
niveau {m}
tier [level, ranking]
professeur {m}
professor [Br.] [high-ranking academic]
marchese {m}
marquis [(in some European countries) a nobleman ranking above a count and below a duke]
marchiz {m}
marquis [(in some European countries) a nobleman ranking above a count and below a duke]
audiencia {f}
audience [formal interview with a high-ranking person]
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