Translations for "[Reputation]" found in: Albanian,
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| tadellos | untainted [reputation] |
| unbeschmutzt [Ruf] | untainted [reputation] |
| beschmutzt | tainted [reputation] |
| saniert | rehabilitates [reputation of a firm] |
| untergraben [z. B. Ruf] | to undermine [fig.] [e.g. reputation] |
| wahren | to keep [preserve; e.g. authority, reputation] |
| ruinieren | to ruin [health, reputation, evening, holiday] |
| gewinnen [Unterstützung, einen Preis, Ruf usw.] | to garner [support, a prize, reputation, etc.] |
| vernichten [fig. für: ruinieren] [z. B. Leben, Ruf] | to ruin [cause great damage or harm, wreck] [e.g. life, reputation] |
| beflecken [ Ruf od. Ansehen, Andenken etc.] | to taint [ reputation, memory, etc.] |
| maltrecho | battered [body, reputation, image] |
| mancillar [fig.] [reputació] | to tarnish [fig.] [reputation] |
| destruir [reputación, plan] | to ruin [reputation, plan] |
| mancilla {f} [deshonra, deshonor] | stain [on one's reputation] |
| vierge [réputation, vie] | unblemished |
| équivoque [réputation] | dubious |
| sulfureux [fig.] [personne, réputation, charme] | fiendish |
| compromis [réputation, prestige] | damaged |
| délabré [santé, réputation] | ruined |
| entacher [honneur, réputation] | to blemish [honour, reputation] |
| asseoir [régime, autorité, réputation, conclusion] | to establish |
| entacher [honneur, réputation] | to besmirch |
| compromettre [prestige, réputation] | to damage |
| exposer [vie, réputation] | to risk |
| ganea {f} | ordinary [with a bad reputation for prostitutes] |
| ganeum {n} | ordinary [with a bad reputation for prostitutes] |
| пятнать [несов.] pjatnatʹ | to taint [reputation] |
| имидж {м} imidsch | image [reputation] |
| pokazený [jedlo, povesť] | tainted [food, reputation] |
| poškvrnený | tainted [of reputation etc.] |
| pošpiniť [dok.] [aj obr.: povesť, meno] | to stain [also fig.: reputation, name] |
| poškvrniť [dok.] [aj obr.: povesť, meno] | to stain [also fig.: reputation, name] |
| poškvrna {f} [kniž.] | stain [fig.] [damage to reputation] |
| povesť {f} [v spoločnosti] | standing [reputation] |
| reputácia {f} | standing [reputation] |
| ugled {m} | standing [reputation] |
| arvovalta [maine] | standing [reputation] |
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