Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[Rhincodon]" found in: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Walhai {m}
whale shark [Rhincodon typus]
walvishaai {de} [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
valhaj {u} [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
hvalhaj {fk}
whale shark [Rhincodon typus]
hvalhai {m} [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
hvalháfur {k} [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
tiburón {m} ballena [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
tubarão-baleia {m} [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
requin-baleine {m} [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
squalo {m} balena [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
rechin-balenă {m} [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
китовая акула {ж} [Rhincodon typus] kitowaja akula
whale shark
rekin {m} wielorybi [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
žralok {m} obrovský
whale shark [Rhincodon typus]
žralok {m} veľrybí [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
кит-ајкула {ж} [Rhincodon typus] kit-ajkula
whale shark
kitopsina {f} [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
китова акула {ж} kitova akula
whale shark [Rhincodon typus]
cetcápa [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
valashai [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
balina köpek balığı [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
φαλαινοκαρχαρίας {ο} falenokarcharias
whale shark [Rhincodon typus]
balenŝarko [Rhincodon typus]
whale shark
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