Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[Song]" found in: Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Spanish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
rasant [ugs.] [fabelhaft]
terrific [show, dress, song]
Scheiß- [ugs. derb] [z. B. Scheißcomputer, Scheißding, Scheißlied]
shite [vulg.] [sl.] [Br.] [Irish] [e.g. shite computer, shite thing, shite song]
schnulzig [ugs.] [pej.] [Schlager etc.]
cheesy [coll.] [pej.] [pop song, etc.]
kitschig [Lied, Film etc.]
icky [song, film, etc.]
Frühlings­- [z. B. Nacht, Monat, Blumen, Lied]
spring [attr.] [e.g. night, month, flowers, song]
Scheiß- [ugs. derb] [z. B. Scheißcomputer, Scheißlied]
shit [vulg.] [e.g. shit computer, shit song]
lovelorn [song, poem]
Trink- [z. B. Glas, Kultur, Lied, Schokolade, Wasser]
drinking [attr.] [e.g. glass, culture, song, chocolate, water]
to cut [a song, number]
to write [song, script, etc.]
evergreen {de}
classic [book, film, song]
klassieker {de}
classic [book, film, song]
liedtekst {de}
words {pl} [of a song]
klaaglied {het}
dirge [mournful song]
að semja
to write [song, script, etc.]
harmljóð {hv}
dirge [mournful song]
ranchera {f} [canción y danza popular]
ranchera [popular Latino song and dance style]
corte {m}
track [song on record, cassette, CD]
pista {f} [CD, etc.]
track [song on record, cassette, CD]
bawdy [song]
tube {m} [fam.] [chanson]
hit [coll.] [song]
lai {m}
lay [poem, song]
lamentation {f} [chant]
dirge [mournful song]
complainte {f} [chanson]
lament [song]
jérémiade {f}
dirge [mournful song]
cantilena {f}
sings­ong [jingling verse, song]
canto {m} monotono
sings­ong [jingling verse, song]
строки {мн} stroki
lines [of writing, song]
tekst {m}
lyrics {pl} [song text]
popevok {m}
ditty [short, simple song]
evergreen {m}
evergreen [song]
rune [poem, song functioning as a spell]
hitti [arki.]
hit [success of a book, song, movie, any product, etc.]
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