Translations for "[Tetrao]" found in: Danish,
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| Auerwild {n} | capercaillie [genus Tetrao, family Tetraonidae or Phasianidae] |
| Birkhahn {m} | blackcock [Lyrurus tetrix, Tetrao tetrix] [male black grouse] |
| Auerhuhn {n} | capercailzie [Tetrao urogallus] |
| Auerhuhn {n} | capercailye [Tetrao urogallus] |
| Birkhuhn {n} | blackgame [Lyrurus tetrix, syn.: Tetrao tetrix] |
| Auerwild {n} | capercaillies {pl} [Tetrao urogallus] |
| Birkhuhn {n} | blackcock [Lyrurus tetrix, syn.: Tetrao tetrix] |
| Rotkehlfrankolin {m} | spurfowl [Francolinus afer, syn.: Pternistis afer, Tetrao afer] |
| Nacktkehlfrankolin {m} | spurfowl [Francolinus afer, syn.: Pternistis afer, Tetrao afer] |
| auerhoen {het} [Tetrao urogallus] | (western) capercaillie |
| orre {u} [Lyrurus tetrix, syn.: Tetrao tetrix] | black grouse |
| urfugl {fk} | black grouse [Lyrurus tetrix, syn.: Tetrao tetrix] |
| orrfugl {m} [Lyrurus tetrix, syn.: Tetrao tetrix] | black grouse |
| orri {k} [Lyrurus tetrix, Syn.: Tetrao tetrix] | blackgame |
| orri {k} [Lyrurus tetrix, Syn.: Tetrao tetrix] | blackcock |
| urogallo {m} (común) [Tetrao urogallus] | Western capercaillie |
| tétras {m} lyre [Lyrurus tetrix, syn. : Tetrao tetrix] | blackgame |
| tétras {m} lyre [Lyrurus tetrix, syn. : Tetrao tetrix] | blackcock |
| coq {m} des bouleaux [Lyrurus tetrix, syn. : Tetrao tetrix] | blackgame |
| coq {m} des bouleaux [Lyrurus tetrix, syn. : Tetrao tetrix] | blackcock |
| petit coq {m} de bruyère [Lyrurus tetrix, syn. : Tetrao tetrix] | blackgame |
| teeri [Lyrurus tetrix, syn.: Tetrao tetrix] | blackcock |
| teeri [Lyrurus tetrix, syn.: Tetrao tetrix] | blackgame |
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