Translations for "[balance]" found in: French,
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Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
| Wärme- [z. B. Aufnahme, Haushalt, Leiter, Fluss] | heat [attr.] [e.g. absorption, balance, conductor, flow] |
| Gegen- [z. B. Angriff, Schlag, Gewicht, Argument] | counter- [e.g. attack, strike, balance, argument] |
| nervig | nervous [wine that has goodly amounts of alcohol and acidity in balance] |
| tonisieren [reinigen und den pH-Wert der Haut ausgleichen] | to tone [remove residual cleanser and balance pH of skin] |
| Waage {f} | scale [Am.] [balance] |
| Waage {f} | scales {pl} [balance; treated as sg.] |
| Guthaben {n} [Aktiva] | assets {pl} [on balance sheet] |
| Bilanz {f} | record [balance] |
| Passiven {pl} [schweiz.] [österr.] | liabilities [on balance sheet] |
| Guthaben {n} | balance [credit balance] |
| innistæða {kv} | balance [credit balance] |
| retocar [balance] | to manipulate [accounts, balance] |
| retocar [balance] | to doctor [accounts, balance] |
| bouleverser | to discombobulate [confuse, throw off balance] |
| perturber | to discombobulate [confuse, throw off balance] |
| justesse {f} [montre, balance] | precision |
| bilan {m} | record [balance] |
| fléau {m} [de balance] | beam |
| bilancio {m} | budget [balance] |
| balanță {f} | scale [Am.] [balance] |
| поскользнуться [сов.] poskolʹsnutʹsja | to slip [lose balance] |
| равновесие {с} rawnowesije | harmony [balance] |
| rovnováha {f} | poise [balance] |
| mérleg {sg} | scales {pl} [balance; used with a singular verb] |
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