Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[bread]" found in: Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
alt [Brot; Witz]
stale [bread; joke]
newer [e.g. bread, vegetables]
saftig [z. B. Brot]
moist [e.g. bread]
leavened [bread]
gebäht [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [Brot: leicht geröstet, getoastet]
toasted [bread]
new [e.g. bread, vegetables]
bäht [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [röstet leicht]
toasts [bread]
getoastet [in Scheiben geröstet (bes. Weißbrot)]
toasted [bread]
eintunken [österr.] [sonst regional]
to dip [bread etc.]
brocken [Brot]
to break [bread]
bulle {u}
bun [sweat bread type]
skive {m/f} [f.eks. brød]
slice [e.g. of bread]
julekake {m/f}
[Norwegian christmas bread]
julebrød {n}
[Norwegian christmas bread]
pålegg {n}
spread [soft food that is put on bread]
brauðsneið {kv}
slice [of bread]
crusty [bread, scab]
barra {f} [pan]
loaf [of bread]
corteza {f}
crust [of pizza, bread, earth's]
miga {f} [porción pequeña de pan]
crumb [of bread]
migaja {f} [trocito]
crumb [e.g. of bread]
mendrugo {m} [de pan]
crust [of bread]
salmorejo {m} [esp.]
salmorejo [Andalusian soup of tomato, bread, oil, garlic, salt]
panecillo {m}
biscuit [Am.] [scone-like bread]
pão {m}
roll [bread]
rassis [pain]
stale [bread]
crusty [bread etc.]
beurrer [pain]
to butter [bread]
trancher [pain, viande]
to slice [bread, meat]
tremper [pain]
to dip [bread, biscuit, cookie]
toaster [griller]
to toast [e.g. bread]
croûte {f} [pain]
crust [bread]
mie {f} [intérieur du pain]
crumb [the inside of bread]
tranche {f}
round [of ham, cheese, bread]
mouillette {f} [à tremper dans un œuf mollet]
soldier [strip of bread for dipping into a soft-boiled egg]
pandoro {m}
pandoro [traditional Italian sweet bread]
поджаривать [несов.] [слегка подрумянивать на огне, напр., хлеб] podschariwatʹ
to toast [bread, etc.]
буханка {ж} buchanka
loaf [of bread]
крошка {ж} [хлеба, торта и т. п.] kroschka
crumb [of bread, cake etc.]
кулич {м} kulitsch
kulich [Russian and Orthodox Easter bread]
opiekać [niedok.]
to toast [bread]
bułka {f}
roll [bread]
precel {m}
pretzel [esp. Am.] [bread product]
bochenek {m}
loaf [of bread]
skórka {f} [chleba]
crust [of bread]
starý [nie čerstvý: chlieb ap.] [aj obr.: vtip]
stale [no more fresh: e.g. bread] [also fig.: joke]
tvrdý [nie čerstvý: chlieb ap.]
stale [no more fresh: e.g. bread]
oschnutý [nie čerstvý, tvrdý: chlieb ap.]
stale [no more fresh: e.g. bread]
krajec {m} [chleba]
slice [of bread]
žemľa {f} [hl. na hamburgery]
bun [bread roll]
krajec {m} [chleba]
round [Br.] [of bread]
graham {m}
wholemeal [Br.] [bread]
bochník {m} [chlieb okrúhleho tvaru]
cob [Br.] [round loaf of bread]
peceň {m} [chlieb okrúhleho tvaru]
cob [Br.] [round loaf of bread]
tost {m}
toast [bread]
филия {ж} [хляб] filija
slice [of bread]
to dunk [Am.] [to dip / sip e.g. bread]
tunkol [közb.]
to dunk [Am.] [to dip / sip e.g. bread]
somun [ekmek, odun]
loaf [bread, wood]
slice [of bread]
φέτα ψωμίς feta psomis
slice [of bread]
lyej [bukën me gjalpë]
to butter [bread]
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