Translations for "[class]" found in: Bulgarian,
Slovak» Show all
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
| anspruchsvoll [Lektüre etc.] | sophisticated [high-class, highbrow] |
| darunter [in dieser Gruppe, Kategorie, Menge] | among [in a group, class, number] |
| niveauvoll | sophisticated [high-class] |
| gehoben [anspruchsvoll] | sophisticated [high-class, highbrow] |
| nobel [Hotel, Restaurant, Wohnung] | ritzy [coll.] [high class] |
| bildungssprachlich <bildungsspr.> | [pertaining to the distinctive vocabulary of the educated class] |
| beste [attr.] [erstklassige] [z. B. beste Qualität, bester Wein, bestes Hotel] | top [attr.] [first-class, best] |
| oberschichtstypisch [charakteristisch für die britische Oberschicht oder ihren Normen entsprechend] | U [Br.] [coll.] [dated] [characteristic of or appropriate to the upper class] |
| Schwimm- [z. B. Becken, Abzeichen, Kurs, Lehrer, Vogel] | swimming [attr.] [e.g. pool, badge, class, instructor, bird] |
| Mal- [z. B. Schürze, Klasse, Wettbewerb, Zeug, Vorgang, Technik] | painting [attr.] [e.g. apron, class, competition, equipment, process, technique] |
| bændelorm {fk} | tapeworm [class Cestoda] |
| sværvægt {fk} | heavyweight [weight class] |
| bandormur {k} | tapeworm [class Cestoda] |
| yfirstétt {kv} | gentry [upper class] |
| vinnufundur {k} | workshop [class or series of classes] |
| kennslustund {kv} | lesson [class hour] |
| kennslustund {kv} | class [class hour] |
| soutenu | sophisticated [high-class, highbrow] |
| ouvrier [classe sociale] | working [social class] |
| exigeant | sophisticated [high-class, highbrow] |
| grisette {f} [vieilli parfois péj.] | grisette [also: grizette] [French working-class woman from the late 17th century onwards] |
| tomme {f} | tomme [generic name given to a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland] |
| dintre care | among [in a group, class, number] |
| топовый [разг.] topowyj | top [attr.] [first-class] |
| истеблишмент {м} isteblischment | (the) establishment [ruling class] [often capitalized] |
| robotniczy | proletarian [working class] |
| mieszczański | bourgeois [middle-class] |
| mieszczaństwo {n} | bourgeoisie [middle class] |
| kurz {m} | course [class, in school] |
| banda {f} [han.] | crowd [coll.] [low-class group of people] |
| насекомо {ср} nasekomo | insect [class Insecta] |
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