Translations for "[dance]" found in: Dutch,
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Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
| Bauch- [Umfang, Nabel, Tanz] | belly [attr.] [e.g. circumference, button, dance] |
| Mode- [z. B. Getränk, Tanz] | fashionable [e.g. drink, dance] |
| Kreis- [z. B. Tanz, Durchmesser, Schablone] | circle [attr.] [e.g. dance, diameter, template] |
| aufreizend | suggestively [move, dance] |
| Bauern- [ländlich oder rustikal, z. B. Junge, Tanz, Hochzeit, Möbel] | country [attr.] [e.g. boy, dance, wedding, furniture] |
| Rund- [z. B. Bogen, Tanz, Feile, Hütte] | round [e.g. arch, dance, file, hut] |
| twisten | to twist [dance] |
| swingen [den Jive tanzen] | to jive [dance the jive] |
| tänzeln [trippeln] | to trip [walk/run/dance with quick light steps] |
| schwofen [ugs.] [tanzen] | to hop [coll.] [dance] |
| spagaat {de} | split [gymnastics, dance] |
| bailar | to hoof [Am.] [sl.] [dance] |
| ranchera {f} [canción y danza popular] | ranchera [popular Latino song and dance style] |
| bailar el jive | to jive [dance the jive] |
| pas {m} | step [footstep, sound of step, dance move, small distance] |
| farandole {f} [de soirée] | conga [party dance] |
| bal {m} | ball [dance] |
| swing {m} [danse, golf] | swing [dance, golf] |
| orchestre {m} | band [esp. at a dance] |
| musette {f} [sorte d'accordéon] | accordion [also a dance accompanied by accordian] |
| salsa {f} | salsa [dance] |
| tarentisme {m} | tarentism [extreme urge to dance; prevalent in southern Italy in the 15-17C] |
| studio {m} | studio [photography, recording, dance, apartment] |
| shag {m} [danse] | shag [dance] |
| trenino {m} [scherz.] | conga [party dance in a single line] |
| cazacioc {n} | kazachoc [Cossack dance] |
| pavană {f} | pavan [spv.] [dance] |
| pavană {f} | pavane [dance] |
| присядка {ж} prisjadka | prisiadka [also: prisjadka] [Slavic male dance step] |
| гопак {м} gopak | gopak [Ukrainian folk dance] |
| krok {m} | step [pace, dance movement] |
| polka {f} | polka [music, dance] |
| menuet {m} [arch.] | minuet [archaic] [dance] |
| twist {m} [tanec] | twist [dance] |
| tanssimuuvi [arki.] | move [dance move] |
| ĉarlestondanco | Charleston [dance] |
| ĉarlestono [danco] | Charleston [dance] |
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