Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[document]" found in: Bosnian, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Spanish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
überliefert [attr.]
surviving [document, etc.]
to issue [document]
vorlegen [Dokument etc.]
to produce [a document, ticket etc.]
einsehen [Einblick nehmen, nachlesen]
to consult [book, document]
to stamp [a passport, a document, etc.]
to raise [document, invoice]
unterfertigen [amtsspr.] [unterschreiben]
to sign [a document, a contract, etc.]
Zeile {f} <Z.>
line <l.> [of a poem, document, etc.]
Akte {f}
record [official document]
Absatz {m}
section [of a document]
bilag {n} [vedlagt dokument]
annexure [Br.] [added document]
bilag {n} [vedlagt dokument]
attachment [added document]
bilag {n} [vedlagt dokument]
annex [added document]
bókrolla {kv}
roll [rolled up document]
fylgiblað {hv}
attachment [supplementary document]
fylgigögn {hv.ft}
enclosure {sg} [supporting document]
fylgiskjal {hv}
enclosure [enclosed document]
to forge [e.g. check, document]
caducar [documento]
to expire [document]
to scan [document, body]
formulario {m} [impreso]
form [document]
credencial {f} [de identificación]
ID [identity card / document]
tocho {m} [col.] [muchos escritos]
screed [long document]
escritura {f} [de una propiedad]
deed [often deeds] [property document]
traslado {m} [copia de un documento]
copy [of a document]
[el] acta {f} [conjunto de informaciones]
record [official document]
comptable [document, règle, année]
accusateur [document]
exploitable [document, données]
exploitable [document, données]
exploitable [document, données]
exhumer [document]
to unearth [document]
estampiller [document]
to stamp
maquiller [déguiser] [document, chiffres, vérité]
to doctor [document, figures, truth]
rectifier [facture, document]
to amend
déchiqueter [document]
to shred
подделывать [изготовить фальшивое подобие] [несов.] poddelywatʹ
to fake [painting, document]
завещание {с} saweschtschanije
will [document]
постановление {с} postanowlenije
provision [stipulation in a document]
анкета {ж} anketa
form [document]
приложение {с} [дополнение] priloschenije
annex [of document]
fałszować [niedok.] [dokumenty]
to forge [document, signature]
sfałszować [dok.]
to forge [document, signature]
załącznik {m} [do dokumentu]
enclosure [document]
označiť dátumom [dok.]
to date [a letter, document etc.]
dokument {m}
paper [document]
spis {m}
paper [document, official act]
isprava {f}
paper [document, ID]
paper [document]
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