Translations for "[dogs]" found in: Danish,
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Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
| abgerichtet | trained [dogs etc.] |
| gedrungen [stämmiger Körperbau bes. bei Hunden, Katzen, Pferden] | cobby [of dogs, cats, horses, etc.: stocky, thickset] |
| Kyno- [Hunde-] | cyno- [relating to dogs] |
| vermitteln [z. B. Kinder zu Pflegeeltern; Arbeitslosen eine Stelle; Hunde, Katzen etc. in eine Familie] | to place [e.g. children with foster parents; redundant workers into employment; dogs, cats, etc. with a family] |
| bewegen [Pferde etc.] | to exercise [e.g. dogs, horses] |
| sozialisieren [auch Tiere, z. B. Hunde] | to socialise [Br.] [also animals such as dogs] |
| losen [veraltet] [koten] [Hunde] | to defecate [of dogs] |
| bepfoteln [ugs.] [bei Katzen, Hunden] | to paw [of cats, dogs] |
| Halskette {f} [bes. Hunde, Katzen] | collar [esp. for dogs, cats] |
| Halsband {n} [für Hunde und Katzen] | collar [for dogs and cats] |
| dresserad [särskilt hundar] | trained [esp. dogs] |
| flok {fk} [hunde, hyæner, ulve] | pack [of dogs, hyenas, wolves] |
| hundafælni {kv} | cynophobia [irrational fear of dogs] |
| hálsband {hv} | collar [for dogs and cats] |
| jauría {f} | pack [of dogs] |
| aboiement {m} | barking [of dogs] |
| chenil {m} [garderie pour chiens] | kennels {pl} [business caring for dogs] |
| aux abois [de chiens de chasse] | baying [of hunting dogs] |
| museruola {f} | muzzle [restraint for dogs] |
| branco {m} [di lupi, cani] | pack [of wolves, dogs] |
| cinofobie {f} | cynophobia [irrational fear of dogs] |
| zgardă {f} [pentru câini și pisici] | collar [for dogs and cats] |
| dwa [acc.m] [hełmy / psy] | two [acc.m] [helmets / dogs] [things / animals] |
| dwa [nom.m] [hełmy / psy] | two [nom.m] [helmets / dogs] [things / animals] |
| stado {n} [psów, wilków] | pack [wolves, wild dogs] |
| sfora {f} [para psów gończych] | brace [e.g. of hunting dogs] |
| uprząż {f} [dla konia, psów, itd] | harness [for horses, dogs, etc.] |
| гавкання {с} | bay [of dogs] |
| brechot {m} [hlboký, ťahavý u poľovných psov pri hone] | bay [of dogs] |
| štekot {m} [hlboký, ťahavý u poľovných psov pri hone] | bay [of dogs] |
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