Translations for "[enterprise]" found in: French,
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Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
| dichtmachen [ugs.] [Firma] | to fold [coll.] [enterprise] |
| schließen [Firma: den Betrieb einstellen] | to fold [coll.] [enterprise: cease operating] |
| divisionalisieren [unterteilen] [Unternehmen etc.] | to divisionalize [enterprise etc.] |
| starten | to springboard [launch activity or enterprise] |
| Verbrecherbande {f} | racket [criminal enterprise] |
| Unternehmen {n} | adventure [venture, enterprise] |
| Gedeihen {n} [Gelingen] | success [of an enterprise, plan etc.] |
| Schieberbande {f} [ugs.] | racket [criminal enterprise] |
| Gesellschaft {f} [Vereinigung, auch Firma, Unternehmen] | organisation [Br.] [association etc., also company, enterprise] |
| Kaninchenzucht {f} [Anlage, Betrieb] | rabbitry [place or enterprise] |
| mafíustarfsemi {kv} | racket [illegal enterprise] |
| dépecer [enterprise] | to unbundle |
| agrandir [enterprise] | to expand |
| annuaire {m} [d'une entreprise] | annual [of association, enterprise] |
| cuniculture {f} | rabbitry [place or enterprise] |
| sfortunato [impresa, film] | unsuccessful [enterprise, film] |
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