Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[equipment]" found in: Albanian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
office [attr.] [e.g. clerk, job, building, equipment]
mounted [supplied with equipment]
Foto- [z. B. Album, Archiv, Künstler, Wettbewerb, Ausrüstung]
photo [attr.] [e.g. album, archives, artist, competition, equipment]
radiodiagnostisch [selten für: strahlendiagnostisch]
radiodiagnostic [equipment]
Mal- [z. B. Schürze, Klasse, Wettbewerb, Zeug, Vorgang, Technik]
painting [attr.] [e.g. apron, class, competition, equipment, process, technique]
Computer- [z. B. Zubehör, Riese]
computing [attr.] [e.g. equipment, giant]
umstecken [Gewicht auf Trainings­maschinen, usw.]
to reset [weight on training equipment, etc.]
Zeug {n} [ugs.]
gear [coll.] [equipment]
Einrichtung {f} [bes. öffentlich, z. B. Verkehrsmittel, Schwimmbad]
facility [building, equipment]
Ausrüstung {f}
gear [equipment]
openbare instelling {de}
facility [building, equipment]
anlæg {n}
installation [piece of equipment]
blits {m}
flash [camera equipment]
utstyr {n}
gear [equipment]
búnaður {k}
gear [equipment]
aðstaða {kv} [húsakynni, búnaður]
facility [building, equipment]
arreos {}
tack {sg} [horseriding equipment]
anilla {f}
ring [for curtain, gymnastic equipment]
equipo {m}
rig [apparatus, equipment]
affaires {}
gear {sg} [coll.] [equipment]
attirail {m}
gear [equipment]
délabrement {m} [maison, équipement]
dilapidation [house, equipment]
polyvalence {f}
versatility [of equipment]
équipement {m}
kit [equipment]
équipement {m}
facilities {pl} [equipment]
location {f}
lease [car, equipment]
décodeur {m} [dispositif qui reconstitue des signaux ou qui déchiffre]
decoder [decoding equipment]
dégaine {f}
quickdraw [piece of climbing equipment]
lucru {n} [col.]
gear [coll.] [equipment]
echipament {n}
gear [equipment]
combină {f} muzicală
stereo [the equipment]
sac {m} de box
punchbag [Br.] [gym equipment]
оборудование {с} oborudowanije
facilities {pl} [equipment]
аппарат {м} [прибор] apparat
apparatus [equipment, machinery]
брать напрокат [несов.] bratʹ naprokat
to hire [esp. Br.] [car, equipment]
serwisowanie {n}
servicing [of engines, equipment]
rzeczy {}
gear [coll.] [equipment]
defekt {m}
breakdown [equipment]
dojací [slúžiaci na dojenie: stroj, zariadenie]
milking [attr.] [e.g. machine, equipment]
zariadenie {n} [budova, vybavenie]
facility [building, equipment]
vybavenie {n}
facility [equipment]
súprava {f} [podobných predmetov zariadenia]
battery [set of similar units of equipment]
vybavenie {n}
gear [equipment]
výstroj {m}
gear [equipment]
náčinie {n} [výstroj]
gear [equipment]
potreby {pl} [vybavenie, výstroj]
gear [equipment]
zdvihák {m}
hoist [equipment for lifting heavy things­]
zdvíhadlo {n}
hoist [equipment for lifting heavy things­]
ствари {мн} stvari
gear [coll.] [equipment]
facility [building, equipment]
gear [coll.] [equipment]
εξοπλισμός {ο} exoplismos
gear [coll.] [equipment]
pajime {}
outfit [equipment]
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