Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[gait]" found in: French, German, Russian, Slovak
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
listless [movement, gait]
Stolzieren {n}
swagger [gait]
Geschlurfe {n} [geräuschvolles Gehen]
shuffling [noisy gait of people]
Greifen {n} [Gangfehler]
overreaching [gait error]
Greifen {n} [Gangfehler]
overreach [gait error]
Einhauen {n} [bes. österr.] [südd.] [Greifen]
overreaching [gait error]
Trampler {m} [ugs.] [ / mit schwerem Schritt]
stamper [ with a heavy gait]
Passgang {m}
pace [gait of camels, horses, giraffes, bears, etc.]
démarche {f}
walk [gait]
démarche {f}
step [gait]
рысь {ж} [аллюр] rysʹ
trot [horse gait]
vliecť sa [nedok.] [s ochabnutým držaním tela]
to slouch [walk with a slovenly gait]
šuchtať sa [nedok.] [s ochabnutým držaním tela]
to slouch [walk with a slovenly gait]
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