Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[group]" found in: Albanian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Rand- [z. B. Gebiet, Veranstaltung, Gruppe, Parteien, Sportart]
fringe [attr.] [e.g. area, event, group, parties, sport]
darunter [in dieser Gruppe, Kategorie, Menge]
among [in a group, class, number]
ausgeschlossen [aus Schule, Verein etc.]
expelled [of persons: removed from a group, university, etc.]
Heeres- [z. B. Gruppe, Reform, Flieger]
army [attr.] [e.g. group, reform, aviator]
generös [geh.] [freigebig]
munificent [person or group]
Stamm- [z. B. Zelle, Gruppe, Parasit]
stem [attr.] [e.g. cell, group, parasite]
apart [isolated, not part of a group]
Kern- [z. B. Kompetenz, Gruppe, Frage, Bedeutung; Schäden, Bohrer]
core [attr.] [e.g. competence, group, issue, meaning; damage, drill]
Banken- [z. B. Kollaps, Krise, Viertel, Gruppe, Sektor]
banking [attr.] [e.g. collapse, crisis, district, group, sector]
proper [belonging distinctively to a person, group, or thing]
ras {het}
race [ethnic group]
krets {u}
circle [e.g. group of people]
Kykladerna {pl} [best. f.]
Cyclades [island group]
[soldat fra Wagnergruppen]
Wagnerite [soldier from the Wagner Group]
klad {m} [monofyletisk gruppe]
clade [monophyletic group]
kynþáttur {k}
race [ethnic group, species]
kynstofn {k}
race [ethnic group, species]
leyniklíka {kv} [niðr.]
cabal [group]
innreið {kv}
entry [of a group, delegation etc.]
umræðuhópur {k}
panel [discussion group]
aldurshópur {k}
cohort [age-group]
hópur {k}
cohort [group]
lýður {k}
people [nation, ethnic group]
flugsveit {kv}
wing [a group of three squadrons of aircraft]
fylking {kv} [skoðanahópur]
fraction [opinion group]
Welcome! [to a mixed group or to a group of only men]
sumarse [unirse a grupo]
to join [a group]
desparramarse [grupo: disolverse]
to scatter [group: flee in all directions]
lácteos {}
dairy [food group]
comisión {f} [grupo]
commission [group]
caravana {f}
caravan [group, vehicle]
expedición {f} [excursión, grupo de personas]
expedition [excursion, group of people]
disolución {f}
disbandment [of a group]
plantel {m}
crop [fig.] [group]
grupo {m}
breed [type, group]
médiateur [intermédiaire]
intermediary [person, group]
apart [isolated, not part of a group]
s'intégrer [dans, à]
to integrate [esp. person into a group, society]
déchirer [groupe, pays]
to split [group, country]
attentat {m} [contre un groupe, bâtiment]
attack [against a group, building]
noyau {m}
core [problem, group]
poule {f}
pool [group of teams]
essaim {m}
hive [group of bees]
Anons {}
Anons {pl} [short for members of the Anonymous hacktivist group]
promotion {f}
year [Br.] [graduating year group]
gruppo {m}
party [group]
dintre care
among [in a group, class, number]
бушевать [несов.] [разг.] [шуметь] buschewatʹ
to clamor [Am.] [of a group of people]
национальность {ж} nazionalʹnostʹ
nationality [ethnic group, belonging to an ethnic group]
публика {ж} [напр., в театре, кинотеатре] publika
audience [group of people]
делегация {ж} delegazija
delegation [group]
партия {ж} partija
party [group; also pol.]
сверстник {м} swerstnik
peer [of the same age group]
Państwo {} [osob.]
you [formal] [to a mixed gender group]
pokolenie {n}
generation [age group]
Węgrzy {} [osob.]
Hungarians [male people or a group of males and females]
Niemcy {} [osob.]
Germans [males or a group of males and females]
Polacy {} [osob.]
Poles {pl} [males or group of males and females]
adresaci {} [osob.]
addressees [males or group of males and females]
obywatele {} [osob.]
citizens [males or group of males and females]
komuniści {} [osob.]
communists [males or group of males and females]
członek {m}
member [of club, group]
grupa {f}
batch [group]
pochodovať [nedok.] [na prehliadke, v sprievode]
to parade [march in a formal group]
defilovať [nedok.]
to parade [march in a formal group]
parta {f} [ľud.] [hl. prac. skupina]
outfit [coll.] [group of working people]
banda {f} [han.]
pack [group]
národ {m}
people [nation, ethnic group]
tím {m}
outfit [coll.] [group of people]
partia {f}
crowd [coll.] [particular group of people]
banda {f} [han.]
crowd [coll.] [low-class group of people]
tlupa {f} [obyč. han.]
pack [group]
ľudkovia {pl} [oslovenie]
folks {pl} [coll.] [friendly form of address to a group of people]
народ {м} narod
people {pl} [nation, ethnic group]
narod {m}
people {pl} [nation, ethnic group]
гора {ж} gora
wood [group of trees]
род {м} [група от хора, които имат общ произход] rod
lineage [social group]
popull {m}
people [nation, ethnic group]
bando [muzikistaro]
band [group of musicians]
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