Translations for "[identity]" found in: Dutch,
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| verkappt [die eigene sexuelle Identität verbergend] | closeted [hiding one's true sexual identity] |
| vorgewiesen | produced [e.g. certificate, proof of identity] |
| enthüllen | to reveal [truth, facts, identity] |
| festigen [Position, Wachstum, Erinnerung, Identität etc.] | to consolidate [position, growth, memory, identity, etc.] |
| Ermittlung {f} [z. B. von Tatsache, Identität] | establishing [e.g. of fact, identity] |
| Gender {n} [soziales Geschlecht, Geschlechterrolle] | gender [gender identity] |
| SIM {n} | SIM [Subscriber Identity Module] |
| Ausweispflicht {f} | [obligation to possess (but not to carry) a government-issued identity card] |
| Mitführpflicht {f} | [obligation to carry an official document (identity card, driving license, work permit, etc.)] |
| eSIM {n} [eingebautes Teilnehmer-Identitätsmodul] | eSIM [embedded Subscriber Identity Module] |
| persoonsbewijs {het} <PB> | [identity card required by the German administration during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands] |
| credencial {f} [de identificación] | ID [identity card / document] |
| рекомендация {ж} rekomendazija | credentials [identity papers] |
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