Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[indicator]" found in: Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Polish, Slovak, Spanish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Leucht- [z. B. Bake, Kasten, Boje, Anzeige, Tisch]
light [attr.] [e.g. beacon, box, buoy, indicator table]
Blinker {m}
indicator [Br.] [Aus.] [turn indicator]
Richtungs­pfeil {m}
arrow [as a directional indicator]
Zeiger {m} [Indikator] [auch bei Programmierung]
pointer [indicator] [also in programming]
Kennzeichen {n}
sign [indicator, label]
Anzeiger {m}
index [indicator]
stefnuljós {hv}
indicator [Br.] [Aus.] [turn indicator]
presagio {m}
harbinger [fig.] [indicator of things­ to come]
clignotant {m} [de voiture]
winker [car indicator light]
segnavento {m}
telltale [air flow indicator]
strzałka {f}
arrow [indicator]
smerovka {f}
indicator [Br.] [Aus.] [turn indicator]
blinker {m} [prof. žarg.]
indicator [Br.] [Aus.] [turn indicator]
indicator [Br.] [Aus.] [turn indicator]
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