Translations for "[insult]" found in: Albanian,
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Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
| hinnehmend [eine Kränkung etc.] | pocketing [obs.] [fig.] [receive (an insult, an affront, etc.) without open resentment] |
| wegstecken [ugs.] [fig.] [Beleidigung, Enttäuschung etc.] | to swallow [coll.] [fig.] [insult, disappointment etc.] |
| einstecken [Beleidigung] | to swallow [insult] |
| treffen [Ereignis] | to affect [concern, touch, insult] |
| Herabsetzung {f} | slight [insult] |
| Majestätsbeleidigung {f} | [offense against a sovereign; or, more generally, any slight or insult that wounds someone's dignity.] |
| Insultation {f} [geh.] | insultation [archaic] [insult] |
| Arschloch {n} [vulg.] [pej.] | raasclat [vulg.] [pej.] [Jamaican insult - 'arse cloth' = toilet paper] |
| ultraje {m} | offense [insult] |
| ofensa {f} | offence [Br.] [insult, violation] |
| calumnia {f} | slur [insult, defamation] |
| ofender a | to offend [insult] |
| ultrajar a | to offend [insult] |
| brancher | to swallow [insult] |
| lèse-majesté {f} | [offense against a sovereign; or, more generally, any slight or insult that wounds someone's dignity.] |
| оскорбление {с} oskorblenije | contumely [archaic] [insult] |
| obelga {f} | abuse [insult] |
| uraziť [dok.] | to abuse [insult] |
| urážať [nedok.] | to abuse [insult] |
| uvreda {f} | offence [Br.] [insult] |
| оскърбление {ср} oskʌrblenie | contumely [archaic] [insult] |
| fyej | to injure [insult] |
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