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Translations for "[liberiensis;]" found in: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish
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Zwergflusspferd {n}
pygmy hippopotamus [Hexaprotodon liberiensis, formerly: Choeropsis liberiensis]
dwergnijlpaard {het} [Hexaprotodon liberiensis, syn.: Choeropsis liberiensis]
pygmy hippopotamus
dvärgflodhäst {u} [Choeropsis liberiensis. syn.: Hexaprotodon liberiensis]
pygmy hippopotamus
dværgflodhest {fk}
pygmy hippopotamus [Choeropsis liberiensis, syn.: Hexaprotodon liberiensis]
dvergflodhest {m} [Choeropsis liberiensis, syn.: Hexaprotodon liberiensis]
pygmy hippopotamus
dvergflóðhestur {k} [Choeropsis liberiensis, syn.: Hexaprotodon liberiensis]
pigmy hippo [coll.]
hipopótamo-pigmeu {m} [Hexaprotodon liberiensis, anteriormente: Choeropsis liberiensis]
pygmy hippopotamus
hippopotame {m} nain [Hexaprotodon liberiensis, syn. : Choeropsis liberiensis]
pigmy hippo [coll.]
ippopotamo {m} pigmeo [Hexaprotodon liberiensis, prima: Choeropsis liberiensis]
pygmy hippopotamus
hipopotam {m} karłowaty [Choeropsis liberiensis, syn.: Hexaprotodon liberiensis]
pygmy hippopotamus
hrošík {m} liberijský
pygmy hippopotamus [Choeropsis liberiensis, syn.: Hexaprotodon liberiensis]
patuljasti vodenkonj {m} [Choeropsis liberiensis, syn.: Hexaprotodon liberiensis]
pygmy hippopotamus
хипопотам {м} джудже chipopotam dschudsche
pygmy hippopotamus [Choeropsis liberiensis, syn.: Hexaprotodon liberiensis]
kääpiövirtahepo [Choeropsis liberiensis, syn.: Hexaprotodon liberiensis]
pygmy hippopotamus
cüce suaygırı [Choeropsis liberiensis, syn.: Hexaprotodon liberiensis]
pygmy hippopotamus
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