Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[macrocephalus]" found in: Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Kaschelott {m} [Pottwal] [selten]
cachalot [Physeter macrocephalus]
Pazifischer Kabeljau {m}
grayfish [Am.] [Gadus macrocephalus]
Pazifischer Kabeljau {m}
greyfish [Br.] [Gadus macrocephalus]
spermhval {m} [Physeter macrocephalus, syn.: Physeter catodon]
sperm whale
búrhvalur {k} [Physeter macrocephalus]
sperm whale
apelle {m} [Cebus apella, syn. : Cebus macrocephalus]
black-capped capuchin
morue {f} du Pacifique [Gadus macrocephalus]
grayfish [Am.]
morue {f} du Pacifique [Gadus macrocephalus]
greyfish [Br.]
cașalot {m} [Physeter macrocephalus, syn.: Physeter catodon]
sperm whale
vorvaň {m} tuponosý [Physeter macrocephalus]
kaskelotti [Physeter macrocephalus, syn.: Physeter catodon]
kaĉaloto [Physeter macrocephalus, sin.: Physeter catodon]
sperm whale
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