Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[mind]" found in: Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Latin, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
unhinged [mind]
zwiegespalten [geh.]
torn [person, mind]
totgeboren [Geburtsgew. mind. 500 Gramm]
facile [mind, work of art]
beschränkt [borniert, engstirnig (Verstand, Ansichten etc.)]
narrow [mind, views, etc.]
untainted [food also, person, mind]
equal [tranquil in mind]
aufgeschlossen [empfänglich]
open [with an open mind]
entfesselt [bes. fig.] [Medien, menschlicher Geist etc.]
unfettered [esp. fig.] [media, mind, etc.]
scharf [Verstand]
astute [mind]
förnuft {n}
reason [sound mind]
at adsprede [fig.]
to divert [take mind off things­]
tankelæser {fk}
mentalist [mind reader]
torn [person, mind]
að sljóvga
to deaden [mind, feeling]
að þrúga
to oppress [lie heavy on the mind]
andi {k} [vera, hugur, stemning, inntak]
spirit [being, mind, mood, meaning]
að hafa í huga
to consider [bear in mind]
intelectual [de la inteligencia]
mental [of the mind, intellectual]
agudizar [sentidos, mente]
to sharpen [senses, mind]
to reappraise [change one's mind about]
desequilibrio {m}
disturbance [of the mind etc.]
souple [esprit]
versatile [mind]
tranquille [rassuré]
easy [mind]
subconsciously [without being aware, in the subconscious mind]
subconsciously [in the subconscious mind]
gloomy [state of mind, weather]
égaré [troublé]
unhinged [mind]
agile [corps, esprit]
limber [body, mind]
projeter [prévoir]
to plan [have in mind to do]
to sway [change mind]
s'exagérer [problème, risque]
to exaggerate [in one's own mind]
nimble [mind]
agile [mind]
lucido [mente]
lucid [mind]
cortezza {f}
dullness [of the mind]
animo {m}
disposition [mind]
a lua în considerare
to consider [have in mind]
confirmatio {f}
quieting [of a wavering, fearful mind]
спокойный [о характере] spokojnyj
equal [tranquil in mind or mood]
выдержанный [о характере] wyderschannyj
equal [tranquil in mind or mood]
вспоминать [несов.] wspominatʹ
to remember [call back to mind]
воскрешать в памяти woskreschatʹ w pamjati
to recall [bring back into one's mind]
sharper [of the mind]
bystry [umysł, zmysł]
keen [mind, sense]
rozum {m}
sagacity [mind]
zdrowy psychicznie
sane [of sound mind]
pogrążenie {n} się
immersion [of the mind]
brilliant [of the mind]
inteligence {f}
intelligence [capacity of the mind]
skrsnúť [dok.] [kniž.]
to arise [in mind: idea, suspicion etc.]
rozum {m}
reason [sound mind, intellect]
depka {f} [ľud.] [depresia]
funk [Am.] [coll.] [depressive state of mind]
depresia {f}
funk [Am.] [coll.] [depressive state of mind]
razmotriti [sv.]
to consider [have in mind]
razmatrati [nesv.]
to consider [have in mind]
вълнение {ср} [душевно] vʌlnenie
agitation [of mind, soul]
безгрижие {ср} bezgrischie
carelessness [carefree state of mind]
to toughen [person or their body and mind]
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