Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[negative]" found in: Bosnian, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Icelandic, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
verschlimmern [(noch) schlimmer machen, komplizieren] [ein Problem, eine Situation etc.]
to compound [make worse, intensify the negative aspects]
verstärken [Negatives intensivieren]
to compound [intensify the negative aspects]
belasten [sich auf ungünstig auswirken]
to hurt [to have a negative impact on ]
Kritiker {m} [der öffentlich negative Kritik übt]
Ablehnung {f}
dismissal [refusal, negative answer]
Nachwehen {pl} [fig.]
fallout {sg} [fig.] [negative effects or results]
Widerstand {m} [gegen eine Idee oder Initiative]
pushback [Am.] [negative or unfavorable response]
Bumerang {m} [fig.] [unbeabsichtigte, negative Rückwirkung]
blowback [fig.]
Pferdefuß {m} [fig.]
snag [negative aspect]
Abdruck {m} [von Zähnen etc.]
impression [negative copy]
yes [in response to a negative question]
å ligge inne med
to experience [something negative]
destructive [negative]
yes [in reply to a negative]
certainly [in reply to a negative]
very [negative]
andróður {k}
pushback [Am.] [negative or unfavorable response]
inconvénient {m} [coté négatif]
minus [negative feature]
notoriété {f} [image négative]
côté {m} négatif
minus [negative feature]
mettre à la forme négative
to negate [verb: make negative]
амбиция {ж} [притязание] ambizija
ambition [quality, negative]
baggy [negative]
ešte [v zápore]
yet [in negative sentences]
nie [pri hlasovaní]
nay [negative vote]
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