Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[poison]" found in: French, German, Norwegian, Spanish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
bereits [nur] [bereits zwei Tropfen können tödlich wirken]
even [just] [even two drops of poison can kill]
vergiften [auch fig.]
to contaminate [poison] [also fig.]
to taint [poison]
Stärke {f}
virulence [of poison]
Piscizid {n}
piscicide [fish poison]
Urushiol {n}
urushiol [organic allergen found in plants, e.g. poison ivy]
Gift {n}
atter [archaic] [venom, poison]
å gasse
to gas [treat or poison with gas]
to intoxicate [drug, poison]
mortel [poison, dose, coup, blessure, etc.]
foudroyant [poison]
lethal [poison]
actif [poison]
envenimement {m} [par morsure ou piqûre d'animaux venimeux]
poisoning [from animal poison]
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