Translations for "[proces]" found in: French,
Slovak» Show all
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
| sommaire [compte rendu, jugement, procès, exécution] | summary |
| réviser [procès] | to rehear |
| suspendre [séance, réunion, enquête, procès] | to adjourn |
| suspendre [procès] | to recess |
| PV {m} [fam.] [procès-verbal] | fine |
| rebondissement {m} [de procès, affaire] | twist [new development] |
| ajournement {m} [de débat, procès] | adjournment |
| suspension {f} [d'enquête, de séance, procès] | adjournment |
| komunikacja {f} [proces wymiany informacji] | communication |
| školenie {n} [proces školenia] | training |
| vyučovanie {n} [proces vyučovania] | tuition |
| kalkulácia {f} [proces] | computation |
| inštruktáž {f} [proces] | instructing |
| pochod {m} [proces] | process |
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