Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[products]" found in: Bulgarian, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Slovak, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Preiselbeer- [attr. Präfix für Nahrungs­produkte aus Preiselbeeren]
lingonberry [attr. adj. for food products containing lingonberries]
zurückgerufen [entlassene Arbeiter; Produkte zum Hersteller]
recalled [laid-off workers; products to manufacturer]
neu [innovativ, neuartig]
innovative [ideas, products, etc.]
Erzeugnisse {pl}
produce {sg} [products]
Palette {f} [an Produkten]
range [of products]
Molkereiprodukte {pl}
dairy {sg} [milk and milk products collectively]
Milchladen {m}
dairy [shop where milk and milk products are sold]
Exportgüter {pl}
exports [products]
Sagrotan® {n} [Hygiene-Produkte, Reinigungs­mittel usw.]
Lysol® [Am.] [hygiene products, cleaning products]
Ausbeute {f} [Ertrag in der Landwirtschaft]
produce [agricultural and other natural products]
sortiment {n}
range [of products]
mjölkbud {n} [kvinnlig]
dairywoman [woman who delivers dairy products]
mjölkbud {n} [manlig]
dairyman [man who delivers dairy products]
envahir [marché]
to flood [market with products]
caramelerie {f}
[factory specialising in caramel and fudge products]
cochonnaille {f} [fam.]
[products made from pork such as salami, bacon, pâté and ham]
afflusso {m} [di gente, prodotti]
influx [of people, products]
nadmiar {m} [produkcji]
surplus [products]
debnárske výrobky {pl}
cooperage {sg} [products]
mliečne výrobky {pl}
dairy {sg} [milk and milk products collectively]
výrobky {pl} zo železa
hardware {sg} [products]
млечни продукти {мн} mletschni produkti
dairy {sg} [milk and milk products collectively]
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