Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[referred]" found in: German, Norwegian
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
genannt <gen.>
named [mentioned; referred to as]
merlefarben [Fellfarbe, bes. bei Collies]
merle [a pattern in a dog's coat, though is commonly incorrectly referred to as a colour]
lassen [eine Eigenschaft zugestehen]
to give [allow a feature that has been referred to before, e.g. fairness]
[2. WK, Synonym für tragbare reaktive Panzerabwehrbüchse der US-Streitkräfte]
bazooka [coll.] [WWII, common name of man-portable recoilless antitank rocket launchers] [also referred to as: stovepipe]
Marderartige {pl}
Mustelidae [commonly referred to as the weasel family]
Radikale {pl}
radicals [often referred to as free radicals]
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