Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[rhamni]" found in: Bulgarian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Zitronenfalter {m}
brimstone butterfly [Gonepteryx rhamni, formerly Gonopteryx rhamni]
citroenvlinder {de} [Gonepteryx rhamni]
(common) brimstone
citronsommerfugl {fk}
(common) brimstone [Gonepteryx rhamni]
limonera {f} [Gonepteryx rhamni]
(common) brimstone [butterfly]
citron {m} [Gonepteryx rhamni] [papillon]
(common) brimstone [butterfly]
крушинница {ж} [Gonepteryx rhamni] kruschinniza
(common) brimstone [butterfly]
žltáčik {m} rešetliakový [Gonepteryx rhamni ]
common brimstone
лимуновац {м} [Gonepteryx rhamni] limunovac
(common) brimstone [butterfly]
лимонница {ж} limonnitsa
(common) brimstone [Gonepteryx rhamni]
citromlepke [Gonepteryx rhamni]
(common) brimstone
sitruunaperhonen [Gonepteryx rhamni]
(common) brimstone [butterfly]
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