Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[school]" found in: Albanian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Cave! [Br.] [school sl., dated for: Look out!]
weiterführend [Schule]
secondary [school]
Dorf- [z. B. Kirche, Gemeinschaft, Schule, Laden]
rural [e.g. church, community, school, store]
eingebildet [arrogant]
coxy [Br.] [public school sl.]
Dorf- [z. B. Pfarrer, Kneipe, Schule]
country [attr.] [rural] [e.g. curate, pub, school]
Bibel- [z. B. Kritik, Ausgabe, Unterricht, Schule, Studium, Übersetzung]
Bible [attr.] [e.g. criticism, edition, lessons, school, study, translation]
Sekundar- [z. B. Ausbildung od. Bildung, Schule]
secondary [e.g. education, school]
besuchen [Veranstaltung, Schule]
to attend [school, religious service etc.]
aufnehmen [in Schule, Verein etc.]
to admit [in a school, club etc.]
abschließen [beenden, fertigstellen]
to finish [school, education, task]
ijsvrij {het} [NN]
[time off from school to make winter fun]
schoolhoofd {het}
principal [head of a school]
schoolgeld {het}
tuition [esp. Am.] [tuition fee; of school]
leergeld {het}
tuition [esp. Am.] [tuition fee; of school]
övnings­uppgift {u}
exercise [school task]
termin {u}
term [school]
lov {n} [ledighet från skola]
holiday [school holiday]
skolrast {u}
break [between lessons in school]
elevavgift {u}
tuition [esp. Am.] [tuition fee; of school]
skoleelev {fk}
pupil [school pupil]
friminutt {n}
break [at school]
skoleelev {m}
pupil [school student]
russ {m} [avgangselev]
[Norwegian high school graduate during traditional celebration]
russefest {m}
[Norwegian high school graduate party]
hvitruss {m}
[formerly sports graduate, now graduate of Tromsdalen high school]
studiespesialisering {m/f}
[specialization at high school, qualifying for studies at a university or college]
að brautskrá
to graduate [from school]
unglingavinna {kv}
[organized work for primary school students aged 13-16 during summer vacation]
kladdi {k} [í skóla]
register [in school]
maestro {m}
teacher [primary school, junior school]
monitor {m}
prefect [Br.] [school monitor]
tentempié {m}
tuck [Br.] [coll.] [snack food at school]
director {m}
principal [school director]
directora {f}
principal [school director] [female]
burro {m} [col.] [pey.]
dunce [coll.] [pej.] [school: slow pupil]
burra {f} [col.] [pey.]
dunce [coll.] [pej.] [school: slow female pupil]
semestre {m} escolar
term [school]
academic [of school]
scholastically [relating to school, education]
scholastic [educational, relating to school]
truant [absent from school]
to rag [Br.] [coll.] [tease] [school sl.]
lycée {m}
lycée [French secondary school]
élève {m}
student [at secondary school]
récré {f} [fam.]
break [at school]
collège {m}
school [in France: secondary school to age 15]
élève {f}
student [girl at secondary school]
ottimo {m}
excellent [school mark]
maturità {f} [esame]
Matura [high school exit exam, A-level exams]
compunere {f}
essay [in school]
a admite pe [într-o școală, într-un club etc.]
to admit [in a school, club etc.]
teren {n} de joacă
playground [at school]
taxă {f} de școlarizare
tuition [esp. Am.] [tuition fee; of school]
director {m} de școală
principal [Am.] [head of a school]
специальный spezialʹnyj
special [edition, adviser, school etc.]
двор {м} [участок земли] dwor
yard [of prison, school, house etc.]
перемена {ж} [в школе] peremena
break [at school] [Br.]
отделение {с} [in university, school] otdelenije
department <dept.>
перемена {ж} [в школе] peremena
recess [at school] [Am.]
медресе {с} medrese
madrasah [school]
truant [absent from school]
uczeń {m}
pupil [school]
woźny {m} [osob.]
janitor [at school]
mundur {m}
uniform [school, military]
wagarowicz {m} [osob.]
truant [school absentee]
aula {f}
hall [esp. school, university]
excellent [school mark-wise]
kurz {m}
course [class, in school]
navštevovať [školu, kurz a pod.] [nedok.]
to attend [school, course etc.]
prijať [dok.] [do nemocnice, školy a pod.]
to admit [to hospital, school etc.]
známka {f}
grade [mark in school]
menza {f} [na škole]
canteen [at a school]
športovec {m}
jock [Am.] [coll.] [athlete, esp. in school]
prijatie {n} [do nemocnice, školy a pod.]
admission [to hospital, school etc.]
počty {pl} [vyuč. predmet v nižších ročníkoch]
sums [esp. Br.] [school subject]
desiata {f}
snack [between regular meals in the morning, e.g. at school, work]
olovrant {m}
snack [between regular meals in the afternoon, e.g. at school, work]
ученик {м} učenik
student [school pupil]
pohađati [nesv.] [školu]
to attend [school]
изключвам [несв.] [от училище] izkljutschvam
to expel [from school]
tuition [esp. Am.] [tuition fee; of school]
session [school year]
bilsa [koul. slangi]
biology [school subject]
hissa [koul. slangi]
history [school subject]
mësim {m}
class [in school]
gjimnaz {m}
[an academic high school, Br. grammar school, in many European countries]
mbaroj shkollën
to graduate [Am.] [from secondary / high school]
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