Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[sg.]" found in: Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
die [weiblicher Artikel; Artikel im Plural]
the [sg. female and plural]
Ihr [Possessivpron.]
your [formal sg. and pl.] [your house, dog, support, etc.]
the [acc., sg. and pl.]
[du] flichtst
[you] braid [2nd person sg.]
Ihr [veraltet] [Sie]
you [formal] [sg. and pl.]
Familie {f} <Fam.>
family [treated as sg. or pl.]
Paar {n}
couple [treated as sg. or pl.]
Mittel {n} {pl}
means {sg} {pl}
Zinsen {pl}
interest {sg}
Flecken {pl}
stain {sg}
manen {mv}
mane {sg}
hersenen {mv}
brain {sg}
hersens {mv}
brain {sg}
kolen {mv}
coal {sg}
biofysica {de}
biophysics [treated as sg.]
spiritus {de} [brandspiritus]
meths {sg} [Br.] [coll.] [methylated spirit]
financiën {mv}
finance {sg}
hydraulica {de}
hydraulics {pl} [usually treated as {sg}]
gymnastiek {de}
gymnastics {pl} [also treated as {sg}]
onrust {de}
turmoil {sg}
läxor {pl} [vard.]
homework {sg}
underkläder {pl}
underwear {sg}
medel {n} {pl}
means {sg} {pl}
smycken {pl}
jewellery {sg} [Br.]
bicepsmuskel {u}
biceps {sg}
spillror {pl}
debris {sg}
högkvarter {n} {pl}
headquarters {sg} {pl}
kläder {pl}
apparel {sg}
hemuppgifter {pl}
homework {sg}
transportkostnader {pl}
haulage {sg} [transport charges]
små {pl} [sg.: lille]
smykker {pl}
jewelry {sg} [Am.]
omkostninger {pl}
cost {sg}
hvedebrødsdage {pl}
honeymoon {sg}
møbler {pl}
furniture {sg}
hovedkvarter {n}
headquarters {sg} <HQ>
art {fk}
species {sg}
smykker {pl}
jewellery {sg} [Br.]
champus {fk} [uform.] [champagne]
champers {sg} [Br.] [coll.] [champagne]
penge {pl}
cash {sg}
penger {pl}
money {sg}
nyheter {pl}
news {sg}
saks {m/f}
scissors {sg} {pl}
møbler {pl}
furniture {sg}
kontanter {pl}
cash {sg}
statistikk {m}
statistics {sg}
klær {pl}
clothing {sg}
vannkopper {pl}
chickenpox {sg}
art {m/f}
species {sg}
smykker {pl}
jewellery {sg} [Br.]
yfirburðir {k.ft}
advantage {sg}
læti {hv.ft}
noise {sg}
vonbrigði {hv.ft}
disappointment {sg}
jakkaföt {hv.ft}
suit {sg}
fatnaður {k}
clothes {sg}
sælgæti {hv}
sweets {sg}
ummæli {hv.ft}
remark {sg}
vísindi {hv.ft}
science {sg}
fræði {hv.ft}
science {sg}
ráðstafanir {kv.ft}
provision {sg}
noticias {}
news {sg}
hada {f} [takes m. article in sg.]
tijera {f}
scissors {sg} {pl}
vacaciones {}
holiday {sg}
cereales {}
cereal {sg}
cubiertos {}
cutlery {sg} [Br.]
elecciones {} [evento]
election {sg}
atletismo {m}
athletics {pl} [Br.] [treated as sg.]
bíceps {m}
biceps {sg}
cruce {m}
crossroads [treated as sg. or pl.]
you {sg}
cereais {}
crop {sg}
ferragens {}
hardware {sg}
felicidade {f}
bliss {sg}
lenha {f}
wood {sg}
novidades {}
news {sg}
notícia {f}
news {sg}
novidade {f}
news {sg}
insatisfação {f}
dissatisfaction {sg}
desmatamento {m}
deforestation {sg}
tu [fam.]
you {sg}
broussailles {}
brushwood {sg}
cheveux {}
hair {sg}
vacances {}
holiday {sg} [esp. Br.]
affaires {}
gear {sg} [coll.] [equipment]
retrouvailles {} [après une séparation]
reunion {sg}
pâtes {}
pasta {sg}
devoirs {}
homework {sg}
décombres {}
rubble {sg}
fiançailles {}
engagement {sg}
capelli {}
hair {sg}
biogenetica {f}
biogenetics {sg}
bioetica {f}
bioethics {sg}
latino {m} {sg}
Latin [language]
conoscenze {}
knowledge {sg}
bionomia {f}
bionomics {sg}
trasporti {}
transportation {sg}
vertigini {}
vertigo {sg}
guai {}
jam {sg} [coll. for: difficult situation]
Caraibi {}
Caribbean {sg}
tineri {pl}
youth {sg}
alimente {pl}
food {sg}
foarfecă {f}
scissors {sg} {pl}
fructe {pl}
fruit {sg}
biceps {m}
biceps {sg}
fonduri {pl}
stock {sg}
angajați {pl}
staff {sg}
cunoștințe {pl}
knowledge {sg}
parale {pl} [pop.] [bani]
dough {sg} [coll.] [money]
cașcaval {n} [pop.] [bani]
dough {sg} [coll.] [money]
facultas {f}
means {sg}
quadrivium {n}
crossroads [treated as sg. or pl.]
ты ty
you [informal sg.]
знания {мн} snanija
knowledge {sg} [things­ learnt]
деньги {мн} denʹgi
money {sg}
ворота {мн} worota
gate {sg}
сумерки {мн} sumerki
twilight {sg}
усы {мн} usy
moustache {sg} [Br.]
похороны {мн} pochorony
funeral {sg}
колени {мн} [верхняя часть ног у сидящего человека] koleni
lap {sg} [legs]
качели {мн} katscheli
swing {sg} [hanging seat]
часы {мн} [напр., настольные, стенные, но не наручные] tschasy
clock {sg}
[ty] możesz
[you] can [sg]
[ty] musisz
[you] must [sg]
urodziny {pl}
birthday {sg}
wybory {pl} [plurale tantum]
election {sg}
pieniądze {}
money {sg}
odpady {}
waste {sg} [rubbish]
sanie {pl}
sleigh {sg}
skrzypce {pl}
violin {sg}
zapasy {}
inventory {sg}
USA {}
USA {sg}
všichni {}
everyone {sg}
šaty {}
dress {sg}
záda {}
back {sg}
hodinky {}
watch [wristwatch] {sg}
zavazadla {}
baggage {sg}
hranice {}
border {sg}
vousy {}
beard {sg}
narozeniny {}
birthday {sg}
myšlenky {}
mind {sg}
sáně {}
sledge {sg}
Here! [2nd person sg.]
bludy {pl} [nezmysly]
guff {sg} [coll.] [nonsense]
dvere {pl}
door {sg}
šaty {pl}
dress {sg}
raňajky {pl}
breakfast {sg}
záchody {pl}
lavatory {sg}
cestoviny {pl}
pasta {sg}
správy {pl}
news {sg}
noviny {pl}
newspaper {sg}
vlasy {pl}
hair {sg}
маказе {мн} makaze
scissors {sg} {pl}
уста {мн} usta
mouth {sg}
вести {мн} vesti
news {sg}
статистика {ж} statistika
statistics [treated as sg.] <stats>
бркови {мн} brkovi
moustache {sg} [Br.]
kocka {f}
dice {sg} [die]
vrata {pl}
door {sg}
novosti {pl}
news {sg}
neredi {pl}
riot {sg}
neredi {pl}
rioting {sg}
ljenčuga {m}
lazybones {sg}
kibernetika {f}
cybernetics [treated as sg.]
prsa {pl}
breast {sg}
grudi {pl}
breast {sg}
makaze {pl}
scissors {sg} {pl}
rezanci {pl}
pasta {sg}
akustika {f}
acoustics {sg}
pomfrit {pl}
chips {sg} [Br.]
neredi {pl}
riot {sg}
neredi {pl}
rioting {sg}
neredi {pl}
violence {sg}
iskustva {pl}
experience {sg}
трици {мн} tritsi
bran {sg}
ножица {ж} noschitsa
scissors {sg} {pl}
оръжия {мн} orʌschija
weaponry {sg}
боеприпаси {мн} boepripasi
ammunition {sg}
щети {мн} schteti
damage {sg}
муниции {мн} munitsii
ammunition {sg}
валежи {мн} valeschi
precipitation {sg}
приходи {мн} prichodi
gain {sg}
възможности {мн} [потенциал] vʌzmoschnosti
capability {sg}
разходи {мн} razchodi
spending {sg}
olló {sg}
scissors {sg} {pl}
nadrág {sg}
trousers {pl} [one pair]
vám {sg}
customs {pl}
öltözet {sg}
clothes {pl}
hasábburgonya {sg}
chips {pl} [Br.]
látnivaló {sg}
sights {pl}
nadrág {sg}
pants {pl} [esp. Am.]
kesztyű {sg}
gloves {pl}
szemüveg {sg}
glasses {pl}
sort {sg}
shorts {pl}
pullo {sg}
poliisi {sg}
police {pl}
sinivuokko {sg} [slangi] [poliisi]
police {pl}
uutiset {pl}
news {sg}
uutinen {sg}
news {sg}
sakset {pl}
scissors {sg} {pl}
roskat {pl}
garbage {sg} [Am.]
kukka {sg}
aamurusko {sg}
aateli {sg}
your {sg} [possessive]
polis {sg}
police {pl}
ifade {sg}
statements {pl}
beyan {sg}
statements {pl}
açıklama {sg}
statements {pl}
demeç {sg}
statements {pl}
pijama {sg}
pajamas {pl} [Am.]
ψαλίδι {το} psalidi
scissors {sg} {pl}
νέα {τα} nea
news {sg}
μακαρόνια {τα} makaronia
pasta {sg}
μαχαιροπήρουνα {τα} macheropirouna
cutlery {sg}
αποσκευές {οι} aposkeves
baggage {sg}
απορρίμματα {τα} aporrimmata
litter {sg}
πονοκέφαλος {ο} ponokefalos
headache {sg}
gjuhësi {f}
linguistics {pl} [treated as sg.]
matematikë {f}
mathematics {pl} [treated as sg.]
ekonomi {f}
economics {pl} [treated as sg.]
etikë {f}
ethics {pl} [also treated as {sg}]
gërshërë {f}
scissors {sg} {pl}
estetikë {f}
aesthetics {pl} [often treated as {sg}]
estetikë {f}
esthetics {pl} [often treated as {sg}] [Am.]
lajm {m}
news {sg}
metafizikë {f}
metaphysics {pl} [treated as sg.]
gjimnastikë {f}
gymnastics [treated as sg.]
news [treated as sg.]
pantalono {sg}
pants {pl} [esp. Am.]
lipharoj {pl}
mustache {sg} [Am.]
danko {sg}
thanks {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
pantalono {sg}
trousers {pl} [one pair] [Br.]
vestaĵo {sg}
clothes {pl}
polico {sg}
police {pl}
nudeloj {pl}
pasta {sg}
vaporaĵo {sg}
fumes {pl}
tactics {sg}
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