Translations for "[source]" found in: Albanian,
Slovak» Show all
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
| woraus | whence [formal] [from which, which source, reason] |
| trüb [Licht, Lichtquelle] | dim [light, source of light] |
| übernommen | borrowed [introduced from another source] |
| priesterlich | P [related to the Priestly Source of the Pentateuch] |
| priesterschriftlich [Pentateuch] | Priestly [related to the Priestly Source of the Pentateuch] |
| angeben [eine Quelle, Nummer etc.] | to quote [a source, reference number, etc.] |
| orten [z. B. Schallquelle] | to localize [e.g. source of noise] |
| Quelle {f} | well [spring, also fig.: source] |
| Quelle {f} [eines Flusses] | head [source of a river] |
| Wonne {f} [geh.] [lit.] | pleasance [dated] [pleasure or a source of pleasure] |
| uppspretta {kv} | well [spring, also fig.: source] |
| fonte {f} [de água] | well [spring, also fig.: source] |
| poço {m} | well [spring, also fig.: source] |
| sulfureux [bain, source] | sulphur [attr.] [Br.] |
| sulfureux [bain, source] | sulfur [attr.] [Am.] |
| inspiration {f} | inspiration [source of an idea] |
| source {f} [origine] | root [fig.] [source] |
| fontaine {f} [source] | spring [water source] |
| jasność {f} | brightness [of a light source] |
| zdroj {m} | origin [source] |
| prameň {m} | fountain [fig.] [source] |
| studnica {f} [kniž.] [prameň, zdroj] | fountain [fig.] [source] |
| zaťaženie {n} [súbor síl] | load [weight or source of pressure] |
| záťaž {f} [súbor síl] | load [weight or source of pressure] |
| obilnica {f} | breadbasket [fig.] [region serving as a source of grain supply] |
| извор {м} izvor | spring [source of water] |
| burim {m} | spring [source] |
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