Translations for "[stick]" found in: Croatian,
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Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
| Watte- [z. B. Bausch, Stäbchen, Pad, Pinzette] | cotton [attr.] [e.g. ball or swab, bud or stick, pad, pliers] |
| verprügelt | basted [beaten with a stick] |
| verprügelnd | basting [beating with a stick] |
| zusammenschiebbar | collapsible [telescope, walking stick] |
| verprügelte | basted [beat with a stick] |
| Grab- [Grabe-] [z. B. Gabel, Organ, Stock] | digging [attr.] [e.g. fork, organ, stick] |
| zusammenhalten | to bind [make or stick together] |
| züchtigen [geh.] | to birch [punishment using a birch stick] |
| verprügeln [mit einem Stock] | to baste [beat with a stick] [coll.] [dated] |
| Stock {m} | cane [stick for aid in walking or standing] |
| keu {de} | cue [cue stick] |
| kølle {m/f} [slagvåpen av politi] | baton [Br.] [stick used as weapon by the police] |
| kølle {m/f} | club [stick or bat to hit a ball] |
| gåstav {m} | cane [walking stick] |
| prik {hv} | staff [stick, rod] |
| flexible | whippy [stick etc.] |
| pegar | to paste [stick] |
| varear | to beat [with a stick] |
| estaca {f} [palo afilado] | stake [sharpened stick] |
| bastón {m} | cane [walking stick] |
| vara {f} | wand [thin rod / stick] |
| extremo {m} [principio o final de ] | end [point, tip of stick, rope etc.] |
| báculo {m} [bastón] | staff [stick] |
| batefogo {m} [Afr.] | [a stick, broad at one end, which is applied in frantic, repetitive beating motions to regain control of a fire set in one's machamba.] |
| saillir | to project [stick out] |
| bâton {m} | staff [rod, stick] |
| mètre {m} [baton gradué] | yardstick [measuring stick] |
| hurley {m} | hurley [stick used in hurling] [also: hurl or hurling stick] |
| baguette {f} [petit bâton] | switch [stick] |
| fusain {m} [crayon de fusain] | charcoal [in stick form] |
| трость {ж} trostʹ | cane [walking stick] |
| шест {м} schest | pole [long stick] |
| волшебная палочка {ж} wolschebnaja palotschka | wand [conjuror's stick] |
| rózga {f} | rod [stick, cane] |
| laska {f} [do chodzenia] | stave [walking stick] [dated] |
| prut {m} | rod [stick, bar [of gold], for fishing, outgrowth [of a plant], cane, etc.] |
| palica {f} | staff [dated] [or formal] [stick, rod] |
| žrď {f} | staff [dated] [or formal] [stick, rod] |
| tyč {f} | staff [dated] [or formal] [stick, rod] |
| pastel {m} [obraz, farba aj tyčinka] | pastel [picture, colour or stick] |
| špajdľa {f} [lízanky ap.] | stick [lollipop stick, etc.] |
| špajľa {f} [lízanky ap.] | stick [lollipop stick, etc.] |
| štap {m} [za hodanje i oslanjanje] | cane [stick for aid while walking or standing] |
| sétapálca | cane [walking stick] |
| bot | staff [stick] |
| soihtu | torch [stick with a flame on one end] |
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