Translations for "[structure]" found in: Bulgarian,
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Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
| sozial | social [esp. if regarding public welfare or societal structure] |
| filigran [feingliedrig] | delicate [having a fine structure or texture] |
| robust [Material, Schuhe etc.] | stout [strong in structure or substance] |
| untersetzt | dumpy [body structure of a person] |
| solide | substantial [solid in structure] |
| stabil | substantial [solid in structure] |
| baufällig [nicht mehr sicher] | unsafe [of a building, structure] |
| Knochen- [z. B. Struktur, Panzer, Wachstum] | bony [of bone] [e.g. structure, armour, growth] |
| Klang- [z. B. Farben, Struktur] | tonal [attr.] [e.g. colours, structure] |
| strukturlos | unorganized [without structure] |
| fält {n} [datafält] | array [data structure] |
| grind {kv} | lattice [framework or structure of crossed wood or metal strips] |
| armatoste {m} | hulk [structure: large, unused; object: large, unwieldy] |
| lourd [administration, structure] | unwieldy |
| cristallin [zone, structure] | crystal |
| inadéquat [structure] | unsuitable |
| frêle [structure] | flimsy |
| précaire [construction, structure] | flimsy |
| s'écrouler | to fall [building, structure, frame] |
| ériger [statue, bâtiment] | to raise [structure] |
| élément {m} [de structure, d'ensemble] | element |
| tableau {m} [structure de données] | array [data structure] |
| retable {m} | retable [structure placed on or immediately behind and above the altar or communion table of a church] |
| centina {f} | centering [temporary wooden structure] |
| развалина {ж} raswalina | ruin [structure withered by time] |
| состав {м} [совокупность каких-л. элементов] sostaw | composition [make-up, structure] |
| struktura {f} | composition [structure] |
| fundament {m} | footing [of a structure] |
| ohnisko {n} | fireplace [space within the structure] |
| tribúna {f} | stand [Br.] [structure for spectators at a sporting venue] |
| tribúna {f} | stands {pl} [structure for spectators at a sporting venue] |
| преграда {ж} [междинна стена] pregrada | partition [structure] |
| sosiaalinen | social [esp. if regarding public welfare or societal structure] |
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