Translations for "[technique]" found in: French,
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Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
| Guss- [z. B. Naht, Masse, Fehler, Muffel, Form, Technik] | casting [attr.] [e.g. burr, compound, defect or flaw, flask, mould, technique] |
| Web- [z. B. Kamm, Maschine, Muster, Schwert, Technik] | weaving [attr.] [e.g. comb, machine, pattern, sword, technique] |
| überblasend [bes. als Spieltechnik für Blasinstrumente] | overblowing [esp. wind instrument technique] |
| Klavier- [z. B. Bearbeitung, Technik] | keyboard [attr.] [piano] [e.g. arrangement, technique] |
| Mal- [z. B. Schürze, Klasse, Wettbewerb, Zeug, Vorgang, Technik] | painting [attr.] [e.g. apron, class, competition, equipment, process, technique] |
| Fischfang- [z. B. Flotte, Methode, Quote, Technik] | fishing [attr.] [e.g. fleet, method, quota, technique] |
| abwedeln | to dodge [printing technique] |
| nachbelichten | to burn [printing technique] |
| patschokieren [österr.] | to roughcast [in an old technique] |
| konturieren [Make-up-Technik] | to contour [make-up technique] |
| å gjøre en manual [å trille på bakhjulet, sykkel triks og teknik] | to manual [bicycle trick & technique] |
| desvío {m} de la atención | misdirection [magic: distraction technique] |
| achevé [œuvre, style, technique] | accomplished |
| arboricole [technique] | arboricultural |
| dominer [langue, technique, sujet, émotion] | to master |
| évoluer [technique, science] | to advance |
| contourner [technique de dessin] | to trace [draw using tracing paper] |
| procédé {m} [technique] | process |
| photographie {f} [technique] | photography |
| compas {m} [maritime, technique] | compass [for navigation, for drawing a circle] |
| buzz {m} [technique marketing] | buzz |
| réanimation {f} [technique] | resuscitation |
| technicznie | technically [relating to technique, skill] |
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