Translations German Translations English
Translations for "[under]" found in: Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
minor [under legal age]
aufgebohrt [ugs.] [verbessert, bes. durch inoffizielle Tricks]
enhanced [esp. by tweaking or under-the-hood manipulations]
aufgebohrt [ugs.] [verbessert, bes. durch inoffizielle Tricks]
improved [esp. by tweaking or under-the-hood manipulations]
unbuttoned [not under constraint]
bounden [archaic] [under obligation]
federal [agency, corporation directly under federal control]
exemt [Bistum]
exempt [diocese; directly under the jurisdiction of the Holy See]
socialized [brought under public control]
übergetitelt [ugs.] [hum.]
titled [under the title]
exempt [Bistum] [inoffiziell] [seltener] [exemt]
exempt [diocese; directly under the jurisdiction of the Holy See]
to yield [give way under pressure]
belofte {de}
pledge [made under oath]
indenunder [alm. fejl: inden under]
[en mindreårig eller en person som anses juridisk inhabil]
ward [person under guard, or surveillance]
[midlertidige tilfluktsrom bygget under krigføring]
að vægja
to yield [give way under pressure]
að kaffæra
to duck [push under water]
Krabbinn {k}
Cancer <♋> [constellation; sign of the zodiac; person born under this sign]
fjörbaugsgarður {k} [fornt]
exile [for a period of three years under certain conditions]
practicante {m}
practitioner [in surgery and medicine under a master]
practicante {f}
practitioner [in surgery and medicine under a master] [female]
camiseta {f}
vest [Br.] [a piece of underwear worn under a shirt]
nocturnidad {f}
[in Spanish law, an aggravating factor when a crime is committed under cover of darkness]
agachada {f}
duck [dodge under]
gálibo {m} [bajo puente, dentro túnel]
headroom [under bridge, inside tunnel]
gálibo {m} [anchura de túnel / puente]
width [inside tunnel, under bridge]
to bend [under a burden]
circonscrire [limiter]
to contain [bring under control]
délivrer [ville]
to relieve [e.g. town under siege]
to cloche [put under a cloche]
mouche {f} [esthétique]
patch [facial hair just under the lips]
gippon {m} [pourpoint que les hommes portaient sous une armure]
jerkin [worn by men under armour]
béguine {f}
beguine [member of one of various ascetic and philanthropic communities of women not under vows founded chiefly in the Netherlands in the 13C]
arceau {m} [de lit]
cradle [under bedclothes]
birdie {m} [golf]
birdie [golf] [one under par]
eagle {m}
eagle [golf] [two under par]
lan {n}
field [under cultivation]
свиде́тельствовать [несов.] [под присягой, особ. в суде] swidételʹstwowatʹ
to testify [under oath, esp. in court]
kółko {n} [pod mebel]
caster [Br.] [wheel under furniture]
kółko {n} [pod mebel]
castor [Am.] [wheel under furniture]
podkład {m} [pod farbę]
primer [sealant under paint]
podkład {m} [pod makijaż]
foundation [under make-up]
grilovať [dok./nedok.] [v rúre]
to grill [Br.] [in the oven under the heat]
rekultivovať [dok./nedok.]
to reclaim [bring land under cultivation]
zrekultivovať [dok.]
to reclaim [bring land under cultivation]
premyť [dok.] [potraviny pod vodou ap.]
to rinse [food under water etc.]
podložka {f} [pod pohár ap.]
coaster [under a glass etc.]
čepiec {m} [ženská prikrývka hlavy]
bonnet [women's hat tied under the chin]
minor [under legal age]
to socialize [place under government control]
baby [under 12 months old]
Gemini [a person born under this sign]
Krapu [lat. Cancer] <Cnc> <♋> [tähdistö; eläinradan merkki]
Cancer <♋> [constellation; sign of the zodiac; person born under this sign]
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