Translations German Translations English
Translations for "Cu" found in: Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
Kubik- <c, cb>
cubic <cu>
Kupfer {n} <Cu>
copper <Cu>
Kuba {n}
Cuba <.cu>
Kumulus {m} <Cu>
cumulus <Cu>
Cubitus {m} <Cu>
cubitus <Cu>
koper {het} <Cu>
copper <Cu>
koppar {u}
copper <Cu>
kobber {n} <Cu>
copper <Cu>
kobber {n} <Cu>
copper <Cu>
kopper {n} <Cu>
copper <Cu>
Kúba {kv}
Cuba <.cu>
kopar {k}
copper <Cu>
eir {k}
copper <Cu>
cobre {m} <Cu>
copper <Cu>
cobre {m} <Cu>
cuivre {m} <Cu>
copper <Cu>
Cuba {m} [aussi : république de Cuba]
Cuba <.cu> [also: Republic of Cuba]
Cuba {f}
Cuba <.cu>
rame {m} <Cu>
copper <Cu>
with <w/>
Cuba {f}
Cuba <.cu>
cu putință
cu siguranță
cuprum {n} <Cu>
copper <Cu>
cyprum {n} <Cu>
copper <Cu>
медь {ж} <Cu> medʹ
copper <Cu> [metal]
miedź {f}
copper <Cu>
meď {f} <Cu>
copper <Cu>
Kuba {f}
Cuba <.cu>
бакар {м} <Cu> bakar
copper <Cu>
Куба {ж} Kuba
Cuba <.cu>
bakar {m} <Cu> [turc.]
copper <Cu>
Kuba {f}
Cuba <.cu>
мед {ж} med
copper <Cu>
réz <Cu>
copper <Cu>
vörösréz <Cu>
copper <Cu>
Cuba <.cu>
kupari <Cu>
copper <Cu>
bakır <CU>
copper <CU>
χαλκός {ο} chalkos
copper <Cu>
bakër {m} <Cu>
copper <Cu>
kupro <Cu>
copper <Cu>
Suggest missing translations: CS
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