Translations German Translations English
Translations for "GI" found in: Esperanto, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish
Grouping/sorting of translations by language family (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Uralic, others) and number of speakers.
GI- [ugs.] [z. B. GI-Haarschnitt, GI-Kneipe]
GI [attr.] [relating to, or characteristic of United States military personnel, a (former) member of the United States armed forces etc.]
GI {m} [ugs.] [auch: G. I.]
doughboy [Am.] [dated]
Gibraltar {n}
Gibraltar <.gi>
Geoinformatik {f} <GI>
geoinformatics [treated as sg.] <GI>
Gi {m} [Kampfsportuniform]
gi [martial arts uniform]
å gi
to give
å gi sparken [uform.]
to sack [coll.]
å gi etter
to succumb
å gi løype [idiom]
[to give way to coming from behind on the track at a higher speed]
Gíbraltar {hv}
Gibraltar <.gi>
geoinformática {f}
geoinformatics [treated as sg.] <GI>
Gibraltar {m} [territoire britannique d'outre-mer]
Gibraltar <.gi> [British Overseas Territory]
géoinformatique {f}
geoinformatics {pl} [treated as sg.] <GI>
геоинформатика {ж} geoinformatika
geoinformatics [treated as sg.] <GI>
Gibraltár {m}
Gibraltar <.gi>
геоинформатика {ж} geoinformatika
geoinformatics [treated as sg.] <GI>
GI [Am.] [coll.]
Suggest missing translations: IT, LA, SV, DA, PT, HR, TR, CS, BG, SQ, BS, FI, EL, NL, PL, RO
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